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I was visited by an evil entity 2020

"One night around midnight I was sitting on my bed checking the internet on my laptop. Then a presance appeared out of nowhere, invisible behind me, on my right side(North) I could feel it is evil, just pure evil. He was 100 percent evil, he din't even have 1 percent good in him. He started to get closer to me. I stood up and walked away, he followed. I felt from his vibes that he was very powerfull and a controlling being. I started feeling as if he was trying to get a hold of me. But I would not let him. I kept him at bay. He kept trying to get closer but I would not let him. I started to get really bothered by his presance. I noticed something about him, it was the same evil presance that I felt earlier on in another experience when I psychically saw a horse head Jinn few meters away from me. He had the same signature. With the horse head Jinn he was standing behind that Jinn as if he was exploiting the abilities the head horse Jinn have. And when the spiritual window opened and I saw that head horse Jinn that evil presance just took off. Apprently he noticed that Im able to see and he didn't want me to see him too."

"Back to this evil presance now, as he started to get closer and closer I started to get angrier and angrier at it. Then something happened. I started to hear him scream, he was giving off horrible screams of pain as if he was being burnt. They were rough screams of pain. I kept hearing his screams for hours. I did not understand at first why he was screaming. This was very late at night so I decided to go to sleep. In the morning all was back to normal and I no longer feel that evil presance, it was gone completly. I then started thinking about yesterday and these screams. I have always several spirit guides and angels with me. And the only explanation that comes to mind is that they decided to intervene. When sacred scriptures are red on them(to get rid of them or to make them leave)they will feel as if they are being burned. So I think some or maybe all of my guides were reading something at this entity to get it to leave and they have succeded. I've never had something like that that close before with this kind of evil. Since this same evil entity was behind the horse head Jinn and for some reason it decided to try it's luck with me but did not turn out the way it had hoped. It's approach only brought it pain."

"I have tried to find a sound that ressambles a bit to what I've heard spiritually and the closest is that of an angry bull in the video below. You only need to listen from 0:00 to 0.06 to get an idea what he sounded like. The screams are not exactly like that but very close to it with a difference that you can feel(psychically)that the one screaming has intelligence and have a conscious just like us. You can watch the video Here"

Patrick Zakhm