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***** Patrick Zakhm Spiritual and Paranormal Services *****

Owner of montrealparanormal. Founder of three ghost hunting and paranormal investigations groups, one in Montreal, Canada, one in Paris, France and one in Beirut, Lebanon. Patrick Zakhm is a Psychic detective and a soul communicator. Author of 2 books "Haunted Places" and "Dreams: Language of the spirit world. He is also a Medium, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient and Akashic records reading abilities which is taping into the past of a location or of an event and see what has happened and ghost signature and residual energy reading abilities. Over the years Patrick's abilities has evolved and now he is able to not only see ghosts and souls in the spirit worlds but also communicate with them and get a glimpse of where they are and sometimes even follow them in their journeys right after the physical death and be their guide in the after life. Email : or
- Talking about ghosts and all kind of questions related to ghosts service :
If you want to learn more about what ghosts are then Mr.Zakhm will be happy to talk to you. You can ask him anything in regard to ghosts and he will answer you and teach you from his experience only what he have learned so far since he have started ghost hunting 20-25 years. This will be a basic lesson in ghost hunting and will last for 5 days starting from the first email you sent him and he received. But please before sending any questions email Mr.Zakhm and ask him if he is available first for the following 5 days. If he says "Yes" then a payment needs to be made first. If he says "No" then please try emailing him few days later to see again if he is free for you. Please note that Mr.Zakhm will only be available strictly through emails communication and not phone communications. Also, answers received from him fit your understand mainly and nobody else because when he is talking to you and answering your questions he's basically talking from experience and also he's picking up information from his spirit guides as well as your spirit guides to pass to you. Sure, other people can read his emails and learn too but his emails are tailored and made to fit you and what he's picking up from you spiritually through the writings in your emails
- Soul contact service :
This service is for people looking to hear or learn something from their loved ones or from someone who have crossed over and is no longer in the physical world. Nothing to pay up front at first. When a soul wants to make contact a window(which he came to call his"spirirual window") opens up above and in front of Mr. Zakhm and the soul will stand in it and become visible. The communication is visual at first, there's no audio, audio comes later. To get that window to open Mr. Zakhm will try first to make contact for 5 days with the soul of your choice. Most recent picture of the deceased will be needed as well as his name provided. This is so Mr Zakhm can tune to his vibrations and call him to come forth. What will also help is a sentence or a motto that the deceased used to say. Also please specify who you are to this person when he was still alive? Again this will help Mr Zakhm tune better to that particular soul. Please note that no payment will be made until a contact was made. Once that occurs Mr.Zakhm will get back to notify you about that. Once a contact is made payment needs to be made. Then Mr.Zakhm will get back to you with what he saw spiritually and the information received. If for 5 consecutive days no contact is made you don't pay nothing. Mr.Zakhm will try again few days later and if a contact was established then he will notify you about that. Please note that over here in the physical we have full control of our lives but over there in the spirit worlds we do not. There are basically 3 spirit planes right after the physical death experience. The first you are free to move around and do what you please to a point. In the second plane a soul is free to do some things but with restrictions and time is counted meaning if a soul manage to approach someone in the physical this approach is timed and the soul is not allowed to stay for long. Where as in the third spirit plane a soul needs permission to approach a person living in the physical and this permission is timed as well. So again put a bit differently, Some souls are free to approach us and others are not. Some fall into unconsciousness and take them time to wake up to where they are now. There are different spiritual planes over there and each plane has it's own laws that souls are forced and bound to follow. There are souls who are sent to different other planes then the ones mentioned above for purification all depends on what these souls have done in their physical life. When they do their time of purification then they maybe be allowed to approach us all depends on how they lead their last life on earth
- Picture reading service :
If you have a picture of someone who is still alive and want to know more about him, his personality and maybe his past Mr.Zakhm will look at a picture you provide of the person you are interested in and he will see what he can picks up from him spiritually and see what his spirit guides will show him.
- Speaking engagements :
Public Speaking fees will have to be made up front before Patrick Zakhm take the stage. If there are travel, gas, hotel expenses connected to that engagement then a payment that cover all these needs to be sent in advance to Patrick Zakhm before his arrival in the country or the city where his speaking engagement appointment suppose to take place. Please note that ounce a speaking engagement is over Mr.Zakhm will gladly be available and welcomes all kind of questions afterward connected to what he was talking about
- Paranormal and ghost problems service :
This service is for those who think they might have a ghost or are experiencing paranormal activities at their home and trying to understand the reason. First few pictures needs to be taken of the inside of the house specially hot spots in the house that the occupants feel strange in them. Then these pictures need to be sent to Mr.Zakhm. Ounce received Mr.Zakhm will take a look at these shots and see what he picks up spiritual from them then tune himself to that particular location where the house stand and see who is there and try making spiritual contact with whoever is there. Please note that this service does not guaranty that Patrick will see spiritually or solve your paranormal problems or make contact with a ghost because it's not up to him to see. It's his spirit guides who show him spiritual information and it's the ghost who decide who he wants to show himself to. It's up to the ghost to show himself because the decision to show himself is in his hand. Please note Mr.Zakhm will do his best(as usual)to bring solutions or understanding to the people who are experiencing paranormal activities
- Dream analysis :
This service is for people looking to decipher the symbolic and metaphoric language found in dreams. No payment is needed until a dream is deciphered. The dreams, our dreams, your dreams are made to fit just you and no one else. Many of the dreams we see at night are a preparations in advance to possible emotional experiences coming up ahead and heading our way. Usually few hours after walking up from a dream. Those who are behind our dreams prepare us to the possibilities of events and emotional experiences that could be heading our way. There are different kinds of dreams, some dreams are messages from your higher self to your lower physical self, others are prophetic dreams about your future and some are about your past and yet others are communications from loved ones who have crossed over into the spirit worlds. Please note that for Mr.Zakhm to properly decipher your dream you need to include everything you saw in your dream. Once a dream has been received by Mr.Zakhm you will receive a confirmation from him and that the process of analyzing and deciphering that dream has began. Once that has been made he will notify you and a payment needs to be sent. Ounce that is done Mr.Zakhm will get back to you with a translation of your dream
- Psychic guidance and imagery for finding a missing person service :
This service that is being offered is meant to help find someone who's been missing/kidnapped. Mr. Zakhm will need a recent picture of the missing person and his name and this is to tune himself to his vibrations. Also he needs to know who you are you to this missing person?Are you a relative?Brother? Sister?Etc. Patrick will look at the pic/s that you provided and see what he picks up spiritually and what his spirit guides will show him in info/imagery. This service is usually preferred to be done in person at the site where this person has gone missing. Please note that information received or shown to Mr.Zakhm spiritually are usually given in Symbols. And sometimes this takes a lot of time to get deciphered properly. But be sure that Patrick will be with you all the way until hopefully the missing person is found. If there was a need to travel to see you all travel expenses needs to be paid in advance to Mr. zakhm
- Akashic record reading and past events residue reading service :
This service is meant to read the events that occurred in a closed quarter like in a room by looking at a picture. Whatever happens in emotions and feelings and violence in a room stays in that room and can be red sometimes by looking at a picture taken inside that room. A clear distant picture taken from where the door stand toward the inside of the room needs to be sent to Patrick first. Ounce that picture is received Mr.Zakhm will start working on it to see what he reads and what he picks up spiritually in past events residue from that location in the picture.
- Is a person honest/lying analysis service :
This service offered by Patrick zakhm is for those looking to verify if someone is being honest or lying to you or about something. The soul only speaks the truth where as the ego the lower self speaks lies. Truth comes from the heart and lies comes from the ego. A video clip with audio of the person in question needs to be sent to Patrick for analysis.