About our team and how to contact them

Informations can be found below on each of our team members and a description of their abilities.

PATRICK : Website and group founder. Patrick is a Psychic detective and a Soul Communicator(communicate with souls of murdered victims). He's also a Sensitive, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Remote viewer, Telepath, Clairaudient and Akashic records reader(which is taping into the past of a location or of an event and see what has happened), Soul contact(communicating with souls who have crossed over and follow them and help them through in their journey) Ghosts signature reader(finding haunted sites just by searching for signatures that ghosts leave behind)- Email : patrick-zakhm@montrealparanormal.com or zakhmpatrick@gmail.com

To know more about his services please visit the link below: Patrick Zakhm Spiritual And Paranormal Services

JUDITH : "I have been a psychic for many years, and as a child i used to see spirit children, adults and pets. I give readings, and when holding an article, such as a photograph, i can receive helpful and loving messages of guidance and support etc. I can energize the chakras, and have done some past-life regression. I have also been a healer for ten years. As a member of a paranormal group run by Patrick Zakhm, we investigate and document purported ghost activity in haunted places such as museums and family homes, helping those who may have paranormal activity to understand better what is going on, and to help the spirits to move on." Judith is a Psychic medium and a healer. For those interested in the help that Judith is offering please email her and ask her in advance what you are looking for in services whether it is for healing, soul rescue, ghost cleansing and so forth because some of her services are for free and others are for a fee. Thank you. Email : judith@montrealparanormal.com or ( jalibet@securenet.net )

JEAN : "Hello, my name is Jean and I'm a native woman who work in native traditional ways and techniques when dealing with ghosts. Nowadays there are all kinds of names/labels for people who work in this field: empath, psychic, medium, seer, card reader etc...I have been called all of these names/labels but I don't know which of these names I am, all I do know is that I work with Spirits & They do the work: I am only a conduit for Them. Some people have called me an "Elder" some have called me medicine woman. I tell people I am a helper..No more no less. I work in Native Way doing healing & work with a Grandfather eagle feather & once again, He does the work. I believe in the Spirits and They help me to live life with a good mind and good heart. You can reach me at: jean@montrealparanormal.com & I will be happy to talk with you regarding your concerns. Always in the Light. Jean"

AURORA : "Aurora is a Writer, Blogger, Empath, Intuitive & Lightworker, with 20 years experience in giving soulfully-rich, light-filled tarot, angel oracle & intuitive (Messages from Spirit) readings. She has been a Paranormal Investigator since 2008, when she went looking for answers about the meaning of both life and death. Aurora is also a Soulful Facilitator who helps people explore possibilities & positivities through intuitive sessions. She can be reached at: aurora@montrealparanormal.com or through her website: SoulfulTraveler.com and via her email: soulfultraveler1@gmail.com


To understand better what is said on this website it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the terminology the words used in here by reading the "glossary" page. Here's the most common word that you'll come across as you read this website, the word "Sensitive". A sensitive in the paranormal world is a person with a heightened sensitivities to the world around. Heightened Not to what is physical but to what is non-physical which are energies. Energies might be a generalist word but it's the closest thing one can get with ordinary language to describe that what is picked up by a sensitive. Energies and different kind of energies and intensities are the main perceptions of a sensitive. And no two sensitive are alike just like no two people are alike each one's sensitivity is different in that one can pick up things another can't.It's mainly the degree of sensitivity that is different here. And what is commonly picked up are the energies from a haunted house the location of that spirit in the house it's gender age and depending on the degree of sensitivity other personal information on the haunting soul might be picked up as well. Some sensitives can feel the electric field of electricity and the fields from different metals like gold silver or iron for example. There is basically no limitations to what can be picked up because everything give off something and its all a matter of the degree in sensitivity whether one can or can not sense. Some sensitive are also clairsentient(able to pick up peoples emotions or those of a spirit)or Clairaudient(able to hear the voice of a spirit in a haunted house or of ones spirit guides)and others are also Clairvoyant which is the ability to see events happening somewhere else to someone usually they know of or care about.

Basically everyone is born with a degree of sensitivity and depending on how he go in life how he live his lives this degree gets increased or decreased. Who hasn't experienced the guidance of a voice coming out of nowhere and telling him to avoid going somewhere or do something?Then discover later that he was wrong for not listening to that voice and wished he did. Many people have had similar experiences and chose to talk about them which ended being heard of later on in the news or in a documentary. And others chose not to simply because they would look foolish if they did and so they threw this rare divine guiding experience behind them and forgot all about it.

The moment we are born here our soul is still pretty much pure and our physical self which is created with time by going through live's experiences hasn't been built yet.The soul is still very much rooted in it's world, the spirit world. And because of that it can still see parts of it and those who inhabit it while living in this plane. One shouldn't be surprised if a child said he has a friend a friend that no one can see but him. It's better to be fascinated and curious to know who is that friend and maybe learn something from him rather then getting furious and angry and teach the child that there is no one there that his friend does not exist and he shouldn't be talking to him. Because this will hurt his soul this would be like pulling a plant from the ground thinking that it is dead and ending its life without knowing that this plant is still alive and it's only going through phases in its evolution which appears to us as if it's dead but it isn't. Just because we don't understand something it doesn't mean we understand it. We should let nature with all it's wisdom take care of that and not apply our limited perception of reality and be the controller the judge of what is good and what isn't.

To many people death is the end we are made from this world and when we die we go back to it and the spirit or the soul go back to it's world but where it goes no body knows. To others with death everything goes back to the soil and nothing stays behind and keep on living except the memory of the departed one people's memories of his life. But that idea drop on the floor and roll away when one encounters phenomenons that shows him the opposite that there is something that keeps on living after the physical death, something that the laws of nature can not control and has no influences on and that is the soul.The essence of the person his whole self the same person that you new keeps on living. And what has died is only the physical part what is made from this world, the tool that the soul used to interact with it's surroundings and express itself and nothing more. This is where the haunting phenomena can step in and shed some light on what in some cases goes on right after leaving this plane. But this does not mean that everyone becomes a haunting soul, a ghost, after the physical death some do and others don't simply because they didn't think the same way about life and they didn't live their lives the same way.And that's what sometimes is the cause of a haunting our ways of thinking and our ways of seeing and living life.

We should not forget that life is a learning place our school of evolution all experiences whether bad or good have a purpose which is to move us forward. We may not understand sometimes things that happens to us things that we go through in life but their effects are only to lift us spiritually. Experiences and thoughts processes are parts of peoples daily lives and just as there is gain from all that there is also in some cases some nuisance so to speak, effects from all that which tend to sometimes chain the soul to this world.

Some of the common causes for a soul to stay here and haunt a place is attachment to physical objects. Loving or adoring something that belongs to this plane of existence creates chains to this world. Another is unfinished business. For instance someone was working on a very important project in his life and through a accident he left this world suddenly without finishing what he was working on. This sudden departure is so fast sometimes that ordinary consciousness can not perceive it. We can see this clearly depicted in a very known symbol, the skeleton reaper holding a sickle, the symbol of death, where a reaper is usually shown as a skeleton holding a sickle.The sickle is a very sharp tool used by farmers to cut plants to separate the grains which are the souls metaphorically from the plants from the physical world. The sudden deaths that was mentioned above is one of the main causes of a haunting. And once one is in that other plain of existence time that he knows stops working.There's no continuations of event. No dawn or dusk like we have here. For example if in this world we have no sun no light no dawn or dusk we can never tell the time unless we look at a watch. And if there was no watch we'll be literally lost.The same can be said for those who become ghosts the last instance that they remember in the physical plane would be the same and stay the same instance for tomorrow for next month for next year decade and so on, repeating itself over and over. Time would cease to exist and they are left with only their memories of their life on earth associated with their emotions which now is what makes up their outer world.

Patrick Zakhm