Deserted Haunted Hotel, Al-Kinshara, Lebanon
"I was approached by an audio visual student from USEK(universite de st esprit kaslik) in Kaslik city. He has visited my site and was very interested in joining me in a ghost case and that he knew of a place that is said to be haunted. He wanted me to go with him to check it out. I did not know anything about this site nor where it is located, only that it's in a city called khinshara. So we decided to head there few days later after getting permission. The stories i was told about this place were circulating around a woman who was visiting this site and while in there she felt someone (invisible) trying to push her off the roof. Then that same woman as she continued exploring the building she came across a room where momentarily she lost her sens of direction and could not get out of that room."
"It was not easy finding this hotel, after going back and forth and making calls for directions we finally managed to find it. A private road leads you to several villas and the deserted hotel lies at the end of the road. I was with a sensitive friend of mine and two students one was the cameraman. The moment we arrived and i got out and took a look at this place i was hit by screams coming from the building, the none stop screams of a woman that seems to be tortured or forced into doing something unwillingly. I could not see her spiritually, only reading/feeling her suffering, she was between 26 and 30 years old. I snapped few shots of the building from outside where the screams were coming from. This is by the way is not the only part of the hotel. To the right of these shots there's another part not visible here. That area had no vibes, no residual energies of anything, nothing, completely neutral. My sensitive friend was extremely quiet and from his behavior it seems that he was picking up something unpleasant but didn't want to share it. As we approached the building to go in he was reluctant and didn't want to at first but then he accepted. As we got in and started climbing the stairs i said to the students "this is a torture house". And as we started going through some of the rooms the residual feelings there were just horrible. Beatings, blood, torture, killings, everything you could imagine that can inflict suffering and pain occurred there. The beating was so hard and bloody that some victims where so drained and weak and didn't have any force left to even open their mouth or to scream, they were just taking more blows. Then i was shown spiritually number 43. What does the 43 means? Was the 43 behind what occurred here? Nobody had any ideas. We stayed a bit some more and i was asked by the students some questions then we left. Then we started wondering who occupied this place before it was deserted? And what does the 43 number has to do with these occupiers? Does 43 stand for something in particular? No one could give us any answers to that."
"After visiting this horrible site with what I've experienced and rethinking what I've heard was felt here, it seems to me that the woman who had these unexplained experiences(while visiting)became unconsciously tuned to the events that had happened here in the past, she was connected momentarily to the akashic records of this place without knowing it. So she was going through experiences of those who had them here before her, like where she couldn't find her way out of a room. If somebody was badly beaten up to a point where he no longer knows where he is wouldn't be difficult for him finding his way around out of his place? Or where she felt someone was pushing her to fall? Was somebody(while being tortured)grabbed in the past and thrown off to his death from the roof?? "
UPDATE: I had a conversation with an ex military and he told me this whole area was under Syrian occupation after the civil war. They occupied the country for about 30 years. And the number I was shown spiritually "43" may have been an army regiment or part of a regiment or a branch of military police that handles prisoners interrogations"
Patrick Zakhm