Napoleon Bonaparte presence experience in Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France
"Last December 2010 i was in Paris few days before Christmas, it was snowing and cold((Click here to see some of that))and on the 25Th of December around noon i went to visit Notre Dame Cathedral which was only a couple of minutes away from my hotel. This was my 5Th visit beside the normal ghost vibes that i have felt before inside and used to. I have visited the cathedral four times in the days before Christmas and saw spiritually nothing. Until on the 25Th of December. My previous visits where actually to hear the sound of a bell from the 1700. Called "Emmanuel bell"and weight around 13 tons. I have heard it before from outside and i was just stunned. It gave an eerie sound of those times of when it was constructed. You are literally transported back several hundred years in time and if you listen and concentrate on it it can even give you a glimpse on how life was in those days back then when that bell was being made."
"I got inside on the 25Th and passed by the entrance desk, i was surprised by a particular presence in the cathedral. It was something that i have never felt in there before. That of Napoleon Bonaparte. I looked at my phone watch and it was 12:35 pm. His presence vibes were concentrated in the middle of where the mass was being held. He was just there and there was no feelings of sadness, anger or anything else coming from him. As i stood there with the crowed inside, i kept on feeling his presence his soul filling the area in front of me for an additional 20-25 minutes then that stopped. I don't know though how long he's been here before my arrival. The cathedral was packed with people from all over the world. I did not try to make contact with him. It may sound silly but i actually didn't know what to say to him. Imagine yourself in my place what would you have told Napoleon Bonaparte ? The historic Napoleon, the emperor himself ? I'm not interested in this personality nor i know much about him, just some basic things actually, that he was the emperor of France sometimes in the 1800 where he was forced after ward into exile on the island of Alba and where he died later on there supposedly poisoned by arsenic. Napoleon was married to Josephine as they say in this same cathedral, the Notre Dame Cathedral."
"As for hearing the bell still even on my 5Th visit to the cathedral looking forward to hearing it from the inside i was not lucky this time either. The bell would only be rang when i was outside and away from the cathedral and these are the only times i have heard it."
Patrick Zakhm
Heading toward Notre Dame Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

After leaving the Cathedral