Strange White Stuff, Tennessee, USA
These pictures came from Anthony(Thank you Anthony!)
From what is known the last owner had bought this VW Golf GTI from someone. It wasn't working when he got it. Thought this was no problem since the new owner was good in fixing German cars. But then he tried and tried fixing it up to no avail. No matter what he did the car just would not start would not work. . He then thought of selling it on eBay. He went and took pics of it and was shocked to see this white looking stuff above his car. Most of the shots he took had these white floating things above it. No one was smoking and nothing was burning according to him. He tried taking pics of the car with other cameras but ended up with the same white stuff. So the owner forgot about the idea of possibly selling his car on eBay because he didn't want to post pics of his car with these white things on. Surprises didn't stop there apparently. One day he came upon some toys in his car which seemed to belong to a girl. He didn't know who it belonged to so he called the ex owner and asked him if they were his and if he wanted them back?. The ex-owner didn't. He said they used to belonged to his little girl who died in a freak accident at home in the tub. She drowned under strange circumstances. The matter in which she died was very questionable and made no sens but no one was willing to investigate this case. When the new owner heard that these toys belonged to a dead girl he freaked out. He decided to give it away for free to anybody. Anybody who was willing to take it away. He just wanted it out of his sight. Someone came and took the car but for some unknown reason the car was later crushed.
*If anybody knows anything about the history of this car then please get back to us.Thank you.*
1. Strange cloud like stuff.

2. Negative image of the previous.

3. Again the smoke looking stuff.

4. Negative image of the previous picture.