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This alien craft above top(then a zoom shot of it below) looks similar to the one I saw. It's only missing the curved tube like things on the sides
Making a Remote viewing contact with a long neck Alien Being in his craft - South East Of The Moon
"One time as I was checking some of my night shots I took a while ago something caught my attention, even before I zoomed in on it on that picture. As I zoomed In I was blown away by it's shape. This thing had straight and curved tubes and other shapes coming out of it as if this object was made by humans. Surprised and intrigued by what I just saw. I stood up then started walking while thinking and trying to understand what could this craft be?. My attention was on that alien craft. Few minutes later as I was walking a telepathic remote viewing window opened just in front of me(not above me like usual when I communicate with souls) and in it I see a tall humanoid figure with light gray skin color turning to his right in a quick move to hide his face. He has a round human face like but with no hair anywhere on his head or his face. He was skinny around 2 meters tall. Dressed all in black and there was a strange carpet like thick cover around his neck that made a triangle shape up to the head. The neck cover was surrounding and covering his whole neck like a glove. His reaction was as if he was surprised or startled to see me. His move prevented me to see his face clearly, I only caught a glimpse of his face. This perception was a bit vague though but I kept seeing him for an hour or two and he would move a bit occasionally. Then I stopped seeing him completely. The alien craft you see here is NOT the one I'm talking about about above. The one you see here is very similar to it but it's missing the curved tubes like things coming out of it on its sides that the craft had which intrigued me and pushed me to remote view the craft alien occupan."

This is a rough drawing of the long neck alien being I made contact with through remote viewing him inside his craft
"Around 2-3 hours later the same telepathic remote viewing window opened on it's own and he intentionally seems to have opened it from his side. And there he is again but this time he was wearing a cover/helmet/mask on his head. It was made of light gray metal and was covering and following the form of the face. The nose seems quiet big though. When I first saw this mask I right away thought of Easter Island giants heads statues ‘’the moais’’. They look very similar to this metal mask. This humanoid just stood there with his mask on looking at me. Then my spirit guides intervened and my view zoomed in closer to his mask and now I can see clearly that it was soldered(tig or tag type of soldering) in places on the nose particularly. It was as if it was handmade. I kept seeing him for a about 2 hours then he was gone. Few hours later just about to go to bed the same telepathic window opened again and this time this alien humanoid figure is sitting down behind a strange metal contraption and he seems to be doing or driving something. He was moving while seated and doing things. I was seeing him from the front but he was not fully visible to me behind where he was sitting. I could see his legs and they are just like hours. He was wearing a very thick bottom shoes and all were in black. He was actually dressed something how goth people dress like a Gothic outfit. I continued seeing him sitting in this position for several hours. I don't think he knew I was watching him though at this time."
"Several month later a remote view window pointing underground opened by itself and I see the same alien being on some kind of a tower and very alert. He would do from time to time sudden turning moves lefts then rights. I was looking at him from the back from his left side. The view is from his torso and up. No coat on his body this time and his long neck is visible.
"Then few month after that my spiritual/telepathic window up in front of me opened up on its own and this same alien being was in it. He seemed to be the one who opened it. He had no mask on and just standing there looking down at me. From the shoulders and up was clear. He stayed visible for about an hour then he was gone. It was as if he wanted to communicate with me."
"The many huge statues(called Mouai statues) on Easter Island(around 1000 of them) looking up to the heavens. Could they have been created these visitors image by the islanders who lived on Easter island in the past? As a way to venerate or honor those that came from above from space who helped them developp their society."

These are the Moai statues on Easter Island. There are close to 1000 statues spread around the island but nobody really knows what are they for?

These are from the Kayan tribe wearing neck rings to make their necks longer, also some tribes from South East Asia wear neck rings as well.

Many different tribes in Africa and Latin America wear lip rings or lip plates. Some beleive they are used as a sign of social or economical importance but nobody really know why they wear them?
"Another interesting thing is that there's a tribe in Africa called the Kayan tribe(pic above) and they use what is called as neck rings to make their necks longer. There is also another tribe is south East Asia who also use neck rings. Do you see the similarity between them and that alien being I made contact with with a long neck?This cannot be just a coincidence in my opinion. It seems more so that this race of alien beings have also made contacts elsewhere on the planet and not just Easter Island. If some tribes were imitating this long neck alien race what about other tribes with strange traditions like the cup lip tribes(pictured above)? Are they imitating another type od alien race as well that looks like that too? That's what it seems so, in my opinion."
Patrick Zakhm