Westmount House Case, Montreal, Canada
(See also: Same house another thing at another time was caught on video there. Check out the clip here)
"At the end of 2006 a friend of mine told me about a haunted house in Westmount. The house was built about 150 years ago. At first it was a dancing school for a while then was closed down then reopened again as a theater. Then after that it was bought by a rich family which still owns it to this day. Witnesses have reported seeing strange black figures appearing inside and on one occasion an apparition of a ghost was witnessed and it was of a man with burns to his left arm as if he was in some kinda of a fire. Maybe that's how he died, we don't know."

"So in January 2007, I decided to go check it out with my friend. The house was under renovation and nobody lived there. We arrived there around 8 pm and noticed that the house is all lit. We started taking pictures. As i was taking pictures my friend noticed that there is someone/something in one of the windows up there. We continued taking pictures then we left without thinking much about it. We forgot about the house. Then few month later i was checking my pictures and was surprised to see a figure somewhat transparent on several of those shots taken that night few months ago with my friend. Please follow the pics below from top to bottom to see it. First there's nothing then as you go down you'll see a transparent silhouette with light beside it on the right."
"Here below the first pic and the following zoomed in shot of that top right window has nothing out of the ordinary."
"Now take a look below something else seems to have appeared out of the blue in that window on the top right that was not present before. Can you see it? Check the zoomed in shots below"

"And now below that figure with the light is gone. It kept on doing this on and off for several minutes while moving little by little each time from right to left. Then it stopped appearing. It was gone for good. Never saw it again in my following visits."
"This figure seems to have been caught not only on one shot but on many others as well, each with a bit of a difference as far as where it was standing. On the right there seems to be a light that appears too. The location at first of this figure was to the far right. But as i checked the rest of the pictures that i took that night which where around 60 shots. It seems that it changed location little by little from far right to far left of that window."
"Like this figure would appear and stay for 3 to 5 minutes then disappears. It did that several times then it was gone for good. Afterward i went again to that house many times later and noticed that this house for some reason was always lit in the same fashion at night, every night all the time I took a lot of pictures but got nothing just empty windows like in the 3rd 4rth or 9th pic. But over the following weeks and months i kept on coming back and occasionally i would notice something passing fast in that top right window, as if it saw me coming and before my eyes lay on it it would just pull away in a a very quick move to the left. Other visits followed with my group and some members also saw similar things to what i saw, like something that would pull itself away out of sight at the last second before it was seen. Like they would say "Hey did you see that? something was in the window and moved away"".
"This house is still under renovation even today many years later. Still it's all lit every night throughout the whole night. Makes you wounder why do they turn on all the lights every night? What would happen if no lights is turned on up there?"
Patrick Zakhm