The very haunted Tower Of London, London, England, U.K.
" "Executions, sufferings, tortures, pain and murders is what makes up the ambience given off of this fortress."
" William the Conqueror was the one who laid down the first stone in 1078 and build the white tower. More and more towers and walls followed by the following kings over the years decades and centuries that followed ending up with what we have today,The Tower Of London. The tower was first a fortress then became a royal palace, a prison, place of execution and torture, an armory, a treasury, a zoo, a mint, a public records office, an observatory, then later on became the home of the Crown Jewels of the u.K and a museum."
" Many visitors reported being pushed down the stairs by invisible hands in the Martin Tower. A very nice lady there in the White Tower shared some of her stories with me. One time she was doing some cleaning at night with her colleagues in the white tower on the second floor when she caught in the corner of her eye somebody going through an archways about 20 feet away. Thinking it was one of her colleagues she called up his name but nobody answered. At the speed he was walking he would have had enough time to walk out and walk away without knowing who it was. So rather then following him the lady decided to take fast the staircase down and catch whoever it was below before they leave. But nobody came down. She then asked her colleagues that were below if they saw anybody coming down. They said no. Then she asked them if there was anybody up there beside her. They said no, everyone are all here."
" Some reported strange rotting smell appearing out of nowhere. Others would smell a weird musky smell brushing up against them. Some would smell it and others not, even though they would be standing next to each other. Residence of the tower reported poltergeist activities. Things would move on their own other things would disappear then reappear months later somewhere else. A bear has also been seen one time (several years ago) coming from the martin tower so one of the guard (guards there are called sentries)close by attacked it and stabbed the bear with his bayonet. But the bayonet went right through the bear. The guard died few days later supposedly from the shock of seeing the bear. Some visitors have caught interesting things as i was told. One American lady caught by accident a Victorian figure clearly visible on one of her pictures taken in the basement of the white tower. One time a worker there was talking with somebody for several minutes then the worker turned to check on something then turned back toward the person again that he was talking to and found he has completely vanished. He asked the people that were near him if they saw the gentleman that he was talking to and nobody did. Somebody then told him that he must have been talking to himself. The worker was shook up pretty badly and took a week of."
" The salt tower i was told is the most haunted among all the towers in the tower of London. A guard there one time was in a particular area in that tower when he felt that somebody was on his neck strangling him. Ever since that incidence the guard refuses to pass by this area."
" A lot of hangings and executions occurred within the towers walls. Hanging was for ordinary criminals and their executions took place in Tower Hill and beheading was for royalties, people of high stature, their executions would take place in Tower Green. King Henry the VIII's second wife Anne Boleyn was beheaded for treason in Tower Green as well as his fifth wife Catherine Howard."
" The most famous ghosts of The Tower are Henry VI, Thomas A. Becket, Sir Walter Raleigh,Lady Jane Grey, Margaret Pole the 70 years old Countess of Salisbury. The countess was sentenced by Henry the VIII to be beheaded. She was sent to the scaffold struggling then managed to run away. Her axe-man ran after her then hacked her to death. This horrific scene is said to be replayed occasionally. The ghost of the Princes in the Tower(9-year-old Richard Duke of York and his older brother 12-year-old King Edward V) supposedly murdered by their uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester. The last execution at the Tower was that of the German spy Josef Jakobs in 1941 and was by a firing squad. His ghosts riddled with bullets have been seen many times ever since."
" I thought that I'll be able to visit the whole tower in this visit but it was not to be. I barely managed to visit few buildings in there before realizing i was late for my flight back to Montreal. Maybe next time i will."
Patrick Zakhm
"Below are some shots of The Tower Of London from outside. Then there are some orb shots in motion from inside and some zoomed in shots of these orbs."