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Making spiritual contact with the soul of actor Matthew Perry - USA
** "When his soul came through in my spiritual window, from the ambiance around him he seems to be in the first spirituel plane, the plane where you have complete freedom to go anywhere and visit anyone. I introduced myself to him and told him what I do. He did not say anything. But when I first saw him he was like"Daaaam!!". It's like he made a big mistake that ended his life just like that. It was like he was waiting for something important then Bam! it's gone from his hands. Then I started trying to sheer him up by telling him several funny incidences where I was in hot tubs and ended up swalling alot of water. That made him flip into a jocking mode and he found it funny. Which was funny in a way. After that his ambiance changed to a jolly happy one."
"He still did not say anything at first but then I got a guiding impulse from my spirit guides to tell Mr Perry that I'm French. And when I said that he then goes" Parler vous Français?".."Do you speak French?'with an accent. I reply with "yes I do...what about you do you speak French?" I asked him back. Then he raises his right hand and with his thumb and index finger make a small gesture, that he speaks very little. Then I ask him.."Do you prefer that we talk in French?"..he nodded a little bit left and right with a "No" while making a face of a big "no" on by raising his nose up wrinkling his face skin. His face is more visible now."
"After that I started talking(in thoughts) to him explaining few things of where he is and so forth then I stopped, I got busy with something else."
"Then about half an hour later, I hear" Hey Patrick!"...Matthew's soul came back in my spiritual window on his own and he was calling my name. I answered him then he said something, jumbled up. I could not hear clearly. He sounded like he wanted me to call somebody, his family(?) something like that.I got 03-678 then it flipped to 876..then flipped back again to 678. It's like he does not remember a phone number and he was struggling to do so to pass it to me. He was saying too much stuff and when souls talk in this fashion I can't hear what they say and I have explained that to Matthew."
"About a day later I got the number "658" from him."
"* I asked Matthew what message/s do you want to leave for your family, friends and loved ones? I have a website and I can post them on my website. Matthew didn't seem to be happy that I do that - He doesn't want everyone to read what he says to me. That's what I felt from him."
"* But then I tried to get a bit of something from him for everyone, I asked him what would he like to say to people? How about " I'm not in my tub but I'm chilling" Matthew liked it then laughed to my idea."
"* So, for all of you out there a message from Matthew Perry:"
"Matthew is not in his tub but he is chilling"
"* I asked Matthew what happened to you?"
"He showed me the answer in imagery forms. First holding a bottle(this image was in shades of gray to convey that it was the past) then I was shown a line of white powder about a metre long on a long transparent somewhat dark glass table (that stand low on the ground about 2 feet high) ready to be snorted(in clear colors). The straight white powder line start from his side and end in front of me. All this told me that alcohol, substance abuse and drugs is what brought his end".
"To his family and friends Matthew Perry later on said:"
"I may no longer be here with them but they are all in my heart..I love them so dearly very much!".
"Only parts of my conversations with Mr. Perry have been posted here. Mr. Perry seemed to have led a private life and he wants to keep it that way. If you have a question/s feel free to send them to me and the answers(if it was ok with him) will be posted on the site."
Patrick Zakhm