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Making spiritual contact with the soul of Mr Fred Trump Sr.- The father of Ex US President Mr. Donald Trump
** "Since Mr. Donald Trump has been in the news on and off and some people like him and others don't so I decided to ask someone who really knew him, his own father Mr. Fred Trump Sr. The soul of Mr. Fred Trump came right away in my spiritual window after I called him. I introduced myself to him and told him who I was and what I do."
* Then I asked Mr. Fred trump: "
* What do you think of your son Donald Trump? and he replies with :
"Big bullshit looser....not even worth a penny!"
* Mr. Fred Trump then adds the following on his own :
"He's a low life creep!"
"I made the big mistake of choosing him!"
"I did not understand at first what he really meant by "I made the big mistake of chosing him"
* Then I told Mr. Fred that his son Donald was elected president of the United States. Mr Fred exploded with :
"Good lord!"
* I continued my questions then asked Mr Fred Trump if Donald was in front of you right now what would you tell him? And he replies with :
"Get the hell out of my face!"
* I asked Mr Fred what can he tell me more about his son Donald? He answers with :
"He's a low life"
* I asked him - who was your favorite son?
"Robert" He replies
* What about your son Fred junior?
He answers with" ....A mockery"
* I told Mr Fred Trump that when his son Donald was elected president the world was hit with a terrible disease, the Corona-virus and thousands among thousands of Americans died because their president didn't do a thing..Mr Fred Trump answers instantly almost interrupting my question as if he saw this question coming up :
"That's why I say he's a low life"
"...He's a despicable character" He continues
* I decided after that to stop my questions and I then thanked Mr. Fred Trump for coming and talking to me and that it was an honor and a pleasure talking to him. He replied with same. He sounded like a very respectable person actually."
Patrick Zakhm