Ghost Case, Brumana, Lebanon.
"This is one of my friends house and nobody was aware that the house was haunted. The family have a little dog who has acted up in the past. But we don't know exactly if anybody has ever felt anything in the house. Maybe somebody did but chose not to tell about it. Which is a common thing we have seen in the past. So we don't know for sure. So last January i went with some of my friends to visit this friend's house and when i got in my attention was turned automatically to the corner of this room you see in the picture. This was the living room. And that corner was giving off a lot of ghost vibes signature. As i got closer i noticed that the table too was giving off a lot of vibes as well. As i went in and got closer to the table i all of a sudden i see the top part of an old lady's forehead. She had white short hair arranged in a strange form. This was very clear and behind her there was light. The way she appeared told me she is able to move around. She didn't say anything or maybe she did but i couldn't hear her. I kept on seeing her or kept seeing her top part of her forehead for a bit of time, then she was gone. I can't say how old she was since i could not see her fully. But i would say maybe 60-65 years old ? This is just a guess. We stayed a bit more while taking some pictures here and there then we left. Then few weeks later we came back. Again as i went into that living room in the picture then sat on a sofa near the table i started seeing the same old lady again, again only the top part of her forehead was visible. But she was not as clear as the first time. This time it was a bit foggy. I think if i tried talking to her i would have probably have received something from her. It was just that she showed herself to me.
The camera through burst mode with flash have caught an interesting moving white orb. It only appeared on one shot but not the two others. I have taken that night a lot of shots in burst mode but only caught this one. Apparently it was moving to the right. It only became visible in the camera field of view momentarily before continuing it's trajectory toward the right."
Patrick Zakhm