Sharjah Ghost Investigation, UAE
"It was not easy in Dubai finding someone who understand what i was looking for. Even thought English was spoken everywhere. The word ghost is not really understood until you explain it. The most known ghost case from what i have heard occurred in Sharjah Alwassat neighborhood. The story goes that a Russian family chose a house to move into in this suburban area. They were told in advance by the owner that the house was haunted. But the family didn't believe into such things as ghosts. After moving in things started to happen around the house. Things that they couldn't logically explain. What exactly ? Nobody wanted to talk about that. It seems that very few people know of the story and those who knew seems to stop to know at the point when you ask them what went on in there exactly? They just stop there and say they don't know. Then i was told that ghost stories do not appear in the news or any type of media. Such stories on ghosts and other paranormal phenomena move around from person to person until they reach you. That's how people hear about them."
"I then managed to find someone who knew the location of that house and so we decided to head up there the next day to Sharjah where the supposedly haunted house is located. Sharjah is like 20 minutes north of Dubai and is one of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) 7 states or Emirates. But reaching the house took us close to 40 minutes actually."
"Ounce there the gentleman(we'll call him Mack)became unsure which one was exactly the house. He pointed to one there but he wasn't sure and i wasn't picking up much from that house. The area is full of villas on both sides of the road. We started walking around. I got pulled right away to two villas. They were both giving off ghost vibes one was a bit strange though. We started asking people around to point us to the right house but no one could(or was willing?)to do so. So then we went back to the two villas. We got in front of the one that interest me the most then rang on the bell hoping there was somebody in the house to talk to us. We rang and rang but nobody answered. We didn't know if it was empty or the occupants inside saw me a foreigner carrying cameras through the windows and decided on purpose not to answer."
"Mack was on edge the whole time we were ringing and seemed to be scared from something. What? I didn't know. But then i decided to take some shots of the villas and leave because i started to feel uneasy myself about the whole situation of us standing like that there and ringing the bell. Who knows what could happen ? We were in the middle of nowhere in the desert. So the best thing to do was to just take off. Then Mack said later on after we took off that he thinks they didn't wanna open the door for us because they knew the reason why you are here for and didn't wanna talk to you. It made sens because the main gates was open and there was 2 cars parked outside. I have come in the past across customers who wanted to keep what they are going through in ghosts experiences and activities to themselves and didn't want publicity. So i understood perfectly well what Mack was saying. I also heard of another ghost case where the occupants of a house have seen several times the ghost of a woman. The history of that house was dug up later and it was discovered that a previous occupant had committed suicide there by jumping off a balcony. I didn't get around to find this place out unfortunately."
"There was also another story that was a bit strange. A family was living in despair barely able to live. The father could no longer bring any food to the table and decided one day to kill his own family by locking them up down in the basement. The mother and her two youngsters(one was barely a year old)were locked down there and left to starve to death. The father then took off. Few days has passed the parents of the wife started getting worried about their daughter. They haven't heard anything from her for days. They went to her house knocked and knocked on the door but there was no one in there. Weeks passed by and no news from their daughter then one day they caught up with the husband in a market and started questioning him about his family but would not say a thing to their whereabouts. But then suddenly he dropped down on his knees then started crying saying he killed them. He killed his whole family, they are all dead. He then took them to the basement where he has left them ever since. So they all ran downstairs quickly and opened the door and were surprised to find that one was still alive and moving. It was the youngest one, he somehow have managed to stay alive. He was neither thin nor sick or anything. His mother and his oldest brother has all been dead for some time. As the grand parents talked to the boy trying to understand how he managed to live. From what he said it became clear to them that the mother must have breast fed him. But how can she do that if she's been dead for a while ?? The grand parents were baffled by this. Could her love for her youngest one have kept her soul/ghost here and somehow kept her boy alive by breast feeding him ?? The grand parents could only wounder."
Patrick Zakhm

"The house below is what Mack thought to be the haunted house we are looking for but he wasn't sure. I didn't pick up much from it. It was neutral to me from where we were standing"

"Below is the two villas that were giving off ghost vibes, specially the first one"