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Spiritual contact with the soul of Abraham Lincoln the 16th US President 1861 - 1865
** "Elected as the 16th United States president in 1861 and died/assasinated in 1865(around 160 years ago)Mr. Abraham Lincoln was a fascinating historical figure. I always felt there was something intriguing and mystical about this gentlman, a power and a presance that transcent the physical that pushes you to have the utmost respect for him."
"Recently I've been pushed spiritually to make contact with several souls, one is of mr. Lincoln."
"A picture of Mr. Lincoln to tune myself to him spiritually is all that was needed. It took few tries before he came through and stood above in front of me in my spiritual window. Barely visible but it was him and I can also see part of his beard."
"I greeted him and introduced myself to him, who I was and what I do but he didn't react or seem to understand what I was saying. After going into more details about my field of work and asking him few questions he answer with:"
"....what do you want?"
"I then decided to talk about the time he was assasinated while attending with his wife a play in a theater and recounted to him what happened. As I started telling the events of that day (April 14 1865) his face became clearer and clearer for few seconds then boom! He pulled back and disappeared completely and I no longer see him or feel his presance. I felt a degree of fear coming over him with that reaction. I did not call him again, I decided to stop and try again another time."
"Few days later I dressed up more appropriatly and put on a hat a bit similar to how people dress up in mr. Lincoln's time. Then I started to call his soul again. This time he came in my window right away. I could see clearly his head/face with the signature beard and all, he looked a bit younger though then the age he died on. He was facing me up in front in my spiritual window but sometimes he would move out of view rendering him invisible to me momentarely but then he would come back to be visible again as if he was pacing(?). I started to re-introducing myself to him again."
"That day and for the last few days I have had the flu and a soar throat with a terrible persistant cough. But still I wanted to talk to him. I started asking him questions but got not answer. Then I decided to read to him this time about what has happened to him and his prophetic dream 3 days before his assassination. I began telling him about his friend and bodyguard mr. Ward Hill Lamon. And as I continued recounting the events I would cough and cough and cough uncontrollably sometimes. Mr. Lincoln would react to what I was reading to him and would say occasionally"...yes"...or "I said that" or "..Correct". Then more coughs came out of me then Mr. Lincoln which I called "Mr. president" while talking to him then tells me:"
"You need to get something for that cough, Sir." He said that to me twice. I continued talking about his prophetic dream then the aftermath and what happened to the assasin and his conspiraters afterward. Then Mr. Lincoln ask me"...are you saying that I have died??". I reply with".. Yes, you have, unfortunatly Mr. President...After getting shot you fell in a coma for several hours then you died." Then I felt a wave of sadness coming over him and I no longer see him but felt he was crying. I continued reading to him the events of that terrible day. Later on he wept again when he heard me reading about his wife afterward that she cried and cried hysterically when they told her that he had died. I continued reading but noticed something strange was going on with Mr. Lincoln. The more I talk to him the lighter he became and pure white light was filling him up that blinded me and now I could barely see him. Then I decided to ask him few questions about what he would like to say to his Republican Party, to The Democratic Party and to The Americain People. And the following is what he says:"
"- To the Republicain Party members :"
"Be yourself. Oppositions will always be there. True meanings of life comes from experiences. Don't hold grudges. Be your self teacher. And so life goes on. Predicaments are in the eye of the beholder. Be your true self."
"- To the Democratic Party members :"
"A hero is a true hero when he is not told that he was a hero. Sooth your own wounds. Be your own teacher. Be good be gentle with your enemies."
"- To the Americain people :"
"Life is your only teacher. Be gentle be kind. Be good to one another."
"I then decided to stop my questions and thanked Mr. Lincoln for coming and talking to me and that it was a honour and a pleasure to meet him and talk to him, he replies with "...The pleasure was mine".
Patrick Zakhm