Shbaniya ghost investigation, Alaee, Lebanon(FIRST VISIT)
"This is a deserted villa i have visited three times with several sensitives. What brought us here are the stories of unexplained violent phenomenons. The stories all share the same thing"You cannot go in there and not getting beating up by unseen forces then thrown outside". People have reported getting beaten up, by who? Nobody knows because they can't see who is doing these violent acts. Some were beaten up and thrown outside even Syrian soldiers when they were occupying Lebanon have tried getting in there and were beaten up and thrown outside. They could not see who's behind that. Other people reported spending a night inside to wake up outside the villa with all their stuff around them but were not beaten up. They were thrown out at night or during the night somehow with their stuff and could not understand how could that happen without being awaken?"
"This beautiful house have a large piece of land and sits on top of a hill surrounded by pine trees with breath taking scenery below. Our first visit was around 7-8 pm and was pretty dark outside as you can see in these first shots. As we got right below the house i was picking up agitation vibes and anger as i looked at the second top floor. The front entrance was locked, only the back one was open. In the first visit i was only with a sensitive friend and another person who came with us just to show us the house but didn't want to be involved in any ghost investigation and didn't even want to step inside the house. As you know some stories go into a kind of a snow ball effect thing, getting bigger over time and different as it get spread out from person to person. So the best thing to do is to hear the stories but not letting all in, keep them on your patio so to speak for a bit and don't let them into your house right away(metaphorically speaking that is). The first floor is all gutted out and empty with a lot of garbage everywhere. I started walking around to see if i can pick up anything then the sensitive picked up a the ghost of a little boy around 11 years old. He was alone and looking for his mother. He was not seen by the sensitive just felt spiritually. He didn't want us to go upstairs saying that it's dangerous for us and we might get hurt. He himself does not know who's upstairs but they scare him he says so he does not go upstairs. He warned us not to go up there so the sensitive decided not to. I took many shots in bursts all around on the first floor then i started climbing the stair es to get to the second floor. As i was doing that waves of goose bumps started going through me one after the other. I've never experienced that before, like wave after wave after wave. It would not stop. So i stopped turned then decided to go down then leave. As i arrived back on the first floor i noticed that the ambiance there have changed and there was this feeling of uneasiness all over the first floor. The sensitive also picked that up but could not put it into a word, i said uneasiness a feeling of uneasiness have flooded this place, she said "yes!"did you feel that?". We then decided to just take off."
"On our second visit we were 3 sensitives and we arrived around noon. As we were getting closer to the house i suggested that we buy a bit of food for those who inhabit spiritually the villa. They of course cannot eat what we are bringing but it's a good gesture (and they can sens that) because they will see from that that we are friends and that we are not here to do any harm or damage to their home in anyway. Showing respect to whoever is there was important here in this case(each case is different)because if any of what we heard had occurred is it's because of a misunderstand between those who inhabit spiritually these premises and these people, strangers, intruders going in this house just like that and showing no respect whatsoever to anybody."
"You see most ghosts don't realize they are no longer in the physical plane because they live in memories of their house or how they left it and nothing had changed to them. Then see complete strangers walking right into their home just like that. They talk and talk to whoever got into their home to leave to no avail. What is left is getting physical with these intruders and kick them out. And that's what probably has happened if that has really occurred. It's similar to somebody living here in their own home and somebody walks right into their home opened the door with a key and walked in just like that. What do you think the owner will do? What would you do if that happened to you and there was no 911 or police to call? Well he's or they gonna either hide or if they're tough enough stand up and confront the intruder/s and call on these people to leave at ounce. So they call and call on them and tell them to leave to get out of here this is their house. But the intruder/s does not do that, does not react or give any attention because of course he does not hear or see anything. But to the owner of the house this is pure disrespect and unacceptable. So some ghosts turn to violence and try to scare or remove the intruders by force. Ghosts manage to move things or push people with the force of their will because the will is part of the soul. We use it here to move and control our physical body and act on our surrounding. Over there the will becomes a force that can act on the essence of what is physical and move it or push it around. And by acting on the essence the physical react in the same way.
"As i arrived with the two other sensitives we approached the house again but the vibes from it was completely different this time, it was calm and neutral. They probably knew we were coming and what we were bringing. It was quiet and calm inside as we got in. We started exploring the house in full. Went upstairs and took many single and burst mode shots. I got some interesting shots through burst mode as i checked later. There seems to be a white fog or smoke that followed me around caught on camera many times. In one shot the whole area in front of me was filled by it. In another in burst mode(3 shots with 3 flashes in about 1 second) you can see this smoke heading toward me in the first then in the second shot getting closer but then in the third it pulls away(Check the shots below). We then stood in what looked like a living room and started eating and showing respect and sharing what we brought in food as if those who live there spiritually were physical and visible to us. Then one sensitive sat down and felt comfortable in doing so. There was pleasant family type of feeling around us, specially around that sensitive. That sensitive then said they like that, they liked sitting down and receiving visitors. They enjoyed doing that. We stood there a bit took more pictures then we left."
"In the first and second visit i did not pick any ghost vibes from this house and did not read the ghost vibes signatures that i usual pick up from places like these. This has happened with me in the past where my spirit guides blocked me from seeing anything because of potential danger to me. You see some violent ghosts(or ghost with violent intentions) can't see you if you don't see them so if they don't see you they can't hurt you. I only picked up feelings and that was it, but there seems to be something else that was put in in this place maybe to protect it? we don't know. But in Lebanon it's a well know fact that some people through particular spells and incantation can put or control a type of genie(or jin)to protect what ever they want, they call it "rhassid". This type of spirit was used in the past to protect treasures from being found by thieves. Maybe in this case it was used to protect the house? We don't know yet. But the house seems to have been gutted and ransacked for no reason at all. So maybe the owners have come and saw the condition of their house and were very angry so they asked some kind of a shaman to put some type of rhassid to protect their home. I have taken hundreds of shots most in burst mode(3 shots with 3 flashes in a about a second) and it seems that i kept catching this white smoke that kept appearing in front of me. In one set of burst shots you can see this smoke above in front of me a bit away in the first shot. Then in the second it's right in front of me then in the third and last shot it pulled away from me. I do not smoke and i do not drink and i was alone where these shots were taken. Was there something there trying to do harm but could not?Please check the pics to see what I'm talking about."
"On the third visit i went in with another friend of mine who's also a sensitive but didn't realize how sensitive he was until he got inside with me. He never been in a haunted house before so the idea scared him a bit at first but then he agreed to come along with me. We got inside and i started taking some shots on the first floor then few minutes later we heard a scream, it was a vague short scream. I was holding the thermal camera and the digital one and i was really occupied in taking good shots with the thermal one because this IR camera was something new to me. My friend asked me if i heard that? I said yes, it's nothing, We didn't think much of that or i didn't anyways, then we headed to the second floor. As we did and we were climbing the stairs i got a strange feeling that i could not explain and i momentarily was no longer conscious that i was climbing the stairs, it was like i was floating. As we reached the second floor my friend reaction was a bit strange as if he was listening to something but he didn't say anything until we got back downstairs then as we were leaving he told me he heard an old lady screaming. He said do you remember the scream we heard earlier? I said yes i do, then he said that was a scream an old lady was screaming. He was seeing her face vaguely and he then said that he felt somebody being thrown down the elevators shaft and the lady was screaming because of that. He said she screamed but then stopped. As he was saying that i was reading what he was picking up that she was hiding somewhere and was not caught because of that but then stopped after screaming and became aware that she is putting her life in danger because of that scream(they could hear her and come back and get her too)so she held herself from screaming then started pacing scared worrying if they have heard her. As we walked out my friend was blown away but what he have seen and heard. He kept seeing the face of the lady as we were walking away and was getting goose bumps all over his body and kept telling me look look while raising his arm to show me how he's covered in goose bumps. He could not stop thinking of what he had experienced and said that when i talk he re-tunes himself to the inside of the house and relive what he experienced, i was like an antenna to him it seems. As we got separated from each other and he took his car he said the experience faded away but when i called him back to check on him to see how he's doing he said he started reliving the experience and was picking up more info and seeing clearer the lady. So i stopped calling him for a while to get him to forget all that and to un-tune him from that place."
Patrick Zakhm
Shbaniya house third visit in Thermal Imaging Mode
Below on this page are shots from the first visit to the Shbaniya deserted house. The yellow arrows points to orbs caught. All these pictures were taken by Patrick Zakhm