Ghost investigations in Britania Beach, British Colombia, Canada
Visit also below :
The mill - The mine - Scenic Britania Beach page - Actors and Movies made in Britania Beach page
"In 1888 copper ore was found in Britania Beach and that led to the creation of The Britannia Mining and Smelting Company that operated from 1904 to 1974. The Britania mine produced copper, zinc, silver, gold, lead and cadmium. A small community grew around the mine and several mills were built. One of these mills(3 of them)burnt down and over the years only one is left and stands today. In 1915 a land slide took the lives of 56 men, women and children. Then in 1921 another disaster struck Britania beach in the form of a flood and took yet another 37 soul.
"I arrived to Britannia Beach from downtown Vancouver(around 45 minutes away) a bit late. The mine was closed at that time so i started exploring the area and noticed many building were giving off ghost vibes. I was blown away by the breath taking scenery though as you can see in these pictures. I then started talking to the locals which were not many. There was only around 3-4 tiny shops and a building that used to be a church and several houses built as settings for movies. The settings was used in close to 50 movies like Insomnia, Double Jeopardy, Friday The 13th(Jason takes Manhattan), Alone in the dark, TV series Mc Gyver(Jacques in the box episode)and Stargate to name a few."
"Britannia beach seems to be full of ghosts. I rarely came across anybody there who didn't have a ghost story to share. Local store owners have reported seeing one night smokey figures coming out from the ground then changed into transparent silhouettes as they became completely outside the ground. One store owner have reported hearing late at night on several occasions heavy footsteps walking outside her store. I went into her store and i picked up intense ghost vibes in one area of her shop. Another worker that used to work in that store in the past has also reported feeling the presence of a female ghost that would pass by her then come stand behind her invisible to the senses but the ghost would stand there for a while then leave on his own later on."
"Another store called General Store was full of ghost vibes. These vibes maybe connected to that store or to the building that stood here in the past. About 500 feet from the last standing mill was a house that became a restaurant later on called "The 99'R". People have reported seeing the ghost somewhat transparent of a small boy sitting on the stairs on many occasions. One time the manager of that same restaurant saw the ghost of a girl around 12 - 15 years old dressed in red. He said that this girl in red was coming down the stairs and was talking to him in English(but could not understand a word of what she was saying)before vanishing into thin air few seconds later. The restaurant has been demolished several years ago nothing is left of it. But here in one of the photos below is where it used to stand. The Coffee shop Galileo that you see below has some interesting ghost vibes as well. This place used to be a residence in the past. I have talked to someone who actually lived in that house when they were young and remembers his mom always always talking about the ghosts in the house."
"As it started getting dark i thought of staying the night there but then i heard that bears roam the area sometimes so it was not really a good idea. As shops and stores started closing down i became the only one there. I stayed few more hours until it got a bit dark then i called on a cab and we took off to Squamish. Small town 10-15 minutes away. Since my camcorders and digital cameras batteries were getting low i decided to book a night in one of the hotels there. I was tired so i thought it would be a good idea to do that and get some rest recharge the batteries then head back to Britannia Beach early in the morning the next day when it 's still dark. To my surprise it turned out that there was a ghost in the hotel room that i booked. More info is available on this ghost on the Squamish page."
Patrick Zakhm

"These 5 shots below were taken inside The General Store you see above"

"These three shots below were taken inside The Earthly Crystals & Gift Shop above. This is where footsteps have been heard passing by and the invisible ghost that seems to come and stand behind the worker i mentioned above"

"It started getting dark here now below "

"This is the haunted coffeeshop (below) i mentioned above"

"And here is below where the restaurant called "The 99'R" used to stand in the past"

"These shots below were taken when i got back to Britania Beach early in the morning the next day around 4 am . It was still very dark and very chilly outside and i had to keep moving around to keep warm. It made me think of the bears again. I had to keep looking around all the time in case there was any bear looking for breakfast to spot him before he spot me. Because bears as you know are very quiet mammals while they hunt or walk because of their paws. They are full of natural shock absorbers. So if he decide to charge on you you wouldn't hear him coming until it's too late. So i had to keep my eyes really open just in case."

"Below are some of the first shots of dawn in Britania Beach."