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Making Telepathic visual contact with a giant being from another Planet - 2020

"Before we go into my experience (which occured about a month prior to the alien craft sighting above Dbayeh, Lebanon) I’ve always been very interested in astronomy. Several month earlier I got myself a digital camera with a powerful optical zoom. Then I started zooming in on planets and their moons. I took some videos and photos and posted some of them on my Facebook account. I managed to see the moon up close then after that Jupiter and its 4 visible moons among the 79 moons this planet(supposedly)have. Then came the time where I saw the strange and unusual planet Saturn and its rings."

"It was very late one night around 02:30 in the morning when the following occured. I was in the bathroom in front of the mirror preparing to brush my teeth before going to be when a window, a spiritual/telepatic window opened up right above and in front of me. This window opens up on it's own usually when a soul from the spirit world wants to communicate with me, I cannot open it myself at will. Then I see a figure with flat somewhat triangular head wearing what looked like a headdress/cover. There was something(winds?) passing in front of that being that prevented me from seing him fully. The face was flat and dark red with a weak shine, like the color of mature date fruits. The eyes were perfectly round like a dolls eyes. They pop out of the flat head."

"I did not feel it was male or female but felt a bit more like a robot. There was two of them standing up one looking at me from above as if I would be an insect if he was standing in front of me and the other was standing on the left side(to the back) of the first giant and was only visible a bit to me. I did not realize this being was very tall until later on. He was looking at me occasionally he would get close bend/duck down a bit like someone would do to check an ant or an insect of the floor then pulls back straight up again like before. I kept seeing him for about 30 minutes. I was tired that day then I went to bed while kept seeing this being(the two of them)in my spiritual window above me. I introduced myself to him and told him my name telepathically and what my field of work was. Then in return I got something vague from him a short name like Za.zem..phem...something like that. But I could not understand it. As I lay down on my bed I then sent back out a telepathic message that "Im very tired and need to sleep.". I closed my eyes then slept for few minutes but then I woke up again. My telepathic window is still open and I can still see the same huge being, now standing sideways, he had turned to his left and it was as if he understood my message and decided to let me sleep. He turned to his left and seemed to communicate with the other giant being that looked like him that was standing on his left. It was as if a conversation was going on. I also noticed from his position that this being was flat from the side. I felt like he was a robot but with emotions and feelings similar to ours but very basic in nature. I then went back to sleep but could not sleep for long. I was still in shock about what all this was about. Woundering why would this being was trying to communicate with me?This experience reminded me of another experience I had in Paris few years earlier. In which as soon as I arrived in my hotel room when my spiritual/telephatic window opens above and in front of me on it's own and I see (in extreme clarity)an orange skin alien being with large round head looking at me. He was about 2 m away and above me. He had black straight level eyes like ours but were all black and had a symbol on the side of his forhead. And in the background I can see planets and space as if I'm in outer space. And right behind this alive and moving being was 2 planets(or 2 moons?). This being stayed visible for many hours in my spiritual window. It was like someone was standing on a balcony and looking around. I did not pick anything evil/negative/bad from this being just that he was harmless and it seems as if he was holding/carrying something but I could not see what it was."


"Back to what the Saturn being(that's what I call this giant/s)looked like. He was very skinny, no muscles. The arms and legs were round and had all somewhat similar diameter. I could not see clearly the body, it was vague and felt that he didn't really want me to see what he really fully looked like. It was like someone standing in the desert in a sand storm. I saw momentarily the feet and they were same diameter from top to bottom and the back part of these legs had spheres , 4-5 circular spheres/balls like shapes on each leg and on the top part of each sphere something straight was sticking out."


"In the morning I woke up all was normal again. Then In thoughts I thought of that giant being and right away the same spiritual or telepathic window opened up above in front of me and there he is again with the other giant. He was looking at me from above and that's when I realized he was very tall(around 10 - 15 meters high) and I was the size of a bug to him. He kept looking at me and from time to time he would get down closer to look at me up close. His face is huge and very close to me and I would feel a lot of turbulent emotions coming from him when he straighten up to his previous standing position. I greeted him and explained to him in thoughts how we on earth greet each other(that's what came to me to tell him). Then I stopped my communication with him. He stayed visible looking at me but he was less visible now then before but he stayed up there just keeping an eye on me."


This is what the giant alien face looked like flat above me and stood around 2-3 m in lengh. The tiny human figure(2 m tall) above is just for comparison

"The next day the same thing happened again my telephatic/spiritual window opens up on it's own and there he was. I greeted him and as I did that I felt him getting happy, he was flooded with happy feelings and then he bent down again while staying in his position. His face was much closer to me this time. Then in like a split second(not even that he was way faster then a split second) he moved from where he was standing in his world to above me position. His flat face was right above me above my head facing me now looking down at me and was always there no matter where I go or do. I'm 6.2 and his face was way taller then me, the size of just his face was 2-3 meters long. He was projecting a degree of sadness and happiness at the same time that I could feel. When I stop talking in thoughts to him his round eyes would close and it is as if he go to sleep and that comes with a faint sound of whining/singing similar to humpback wales songs and his flat face become calm and quiet. When I try to call him again his eyes would open up and back to looking at me again. Then later on they would close down again and he would go back to sleep. His eyes seems to be encapsulated in a very thin clear round glass."

"And for several days it was like that everyday I would greet him. His flat face position was always right above me looking at me and would go where I go and he was always there, right above me. Then I decided to stop calling him and I no longer see him. I woundered and keep on woundering why did he come to me? If one look at his position from a distance when his face position was above my position it's like he was showing affection in this gesture, similar to a mother holding her infant in her arms and looking down on him and smiling to him. In my drawing I tried to capture what the giant's face was projecting in emotions but I could not do that. Then few month later I came by accident across a picture of a turquoise mask depicting one of the Aztec's civilization most important Gods, Tezcatlipoca*. The vibes from it was very similar to what I saw and felt from the giant's eyes. It's from the nose up to the top of the head specifically the eyes (and the emotions it was projecting) that the Aztec artistry had captured in their art what I could not in my drawing."


Turquoise mask above representing Tezcatlipoca. To the right is the Red Tezcatlipoca

*"Tezcatlipoca(pictured above) was one of the most important Gods in Aztec religion. He appears in two forms as a horned owl and a jaguar and he can shapshift into these forms at will. Tezcatlipoca was an omnipresent God able to be in all places at the same time. He was known to have a mercurial temperament, bestowing good or bad fortunes on a whim. Tezcatlipoca was one of four siblings born from Ometeotl, the supreme creator, God of the Aztecs. Ometeotl, a God with the ability to be several beings at once actually parented the four with another copy of himself. His ability to be mulitple beings was passed to Tezcatlipoca. In fact, of the four siblings Tezcatlipoca is actually two of his siblings in the form of Red Tezcatlipoca and Black Tezcatlipoca. The other two siblings were Quetzalcoatl the God of rain and Huitzilopochtli the God of war. Although Tezcatlipoca was born as two beings, there are four incarnations of him in the Aztec mythology, the Red, Black, Blue and White Tezcatlipoca."

"This experience has changed/enhanced my understanding about what can come through my spiritual window, I will explain. The following is a bit of info on how I work so you can understand better my experiences and what I mean: My field of work is ghosts, communicating with ghosts and lost souls and helping them out if I can. There are different types of spiritual communications when dealing with ghosts and souls. I won't be going into details here of how I communicate and see each but with souls who are no longer in the physical world there's a window which I came to call "my spiritual window" over the years that opens up above and in front of me. I have no control over this window and who comes through it. I can be anywhere doing anything and this window can open and souls/beings wanting to communicate would stand in it. There are two ways to open this window, either by souls/entities/beings wanting to communicate with me or by my spirit guides wanting me to see something they see it important for me to see. Communications at first is usually visual, unless I knew the passing soul/entity, then it becomes an audio/visual spiritual experience. But now with these beings from other planets communicating through the same medium this window seems to be also let through telepathic audio/visual messages as well."

Patrick Zakhm