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UPDATE-2024: The Unexplained Death Of Actress Natalie wood - Catalina Island - California - USA
** "I have already made spiritual contact with the soul of Miss Natalie Wood and here is what I got through the link below**
My first spiritual contact with the soul of actress Natalie Wood can be found here
''Another spiritual contact was made with her again recently and below is what I asked her and what she told me:''
''Again I called on her soul to come forth in my spiritual window and she did right away. I introduced myself to her and reminded her of our first contact here in the past. She still looked young with long hair(like in the picture)like she did when she first came. She was looking at me and almost all her face was visible, a little bit of the lower part of her face was not. When talking to souls, the degree of comfortability on their side is reflected in how much visible they are to me, the more a soul is visible and clear and the more it is comfortable in talking to me.''
''I started my questions and the first was:''
* What happened to you and why you were found in the water? Did you jump in the water?
''She answers with:''
"...I was pushed".
* I ask her, who pushed you?
"she answers with?"
" husband..Robert Wagner"
* Why did he push you?
" raged....jealous from my co-host Christopher walken".
* Did your husband give you a drink/alcohol before that?
"She answers with:"
"..yes...he did""
* What kind of alcohol he gave you? I ask her
""...El paso..." she answers"
"I don't know what ''El Paso'' is/was but this is what she said. She then showed me a large bottle with big diameter bottom and thin top. It has a green sticker on it's side. Then she showed me a glass filled with what came from that bottle, it was either green or dark in color. She doesn't seem to remember what was the green part, the bottle, the sticker or the liquide from that bottle."
* I then asked her how much did your husband make you drink from that bottle?
"...about a glass" she answer. "
* Then your husband did what?
"She answers with:"
"...he choked me!"
* With what?
"..with his hands" she replies"
* He then threw you in the water?
"...yes..he did" she answer"
* Where you still conscious when he threw you in the water?
"....barely" she replies"
* Why nobody tried to help you, why didn't Christopher walken help you?
"...he was drunk" she replies"
* What about the captain I ask her, why didn't he help you?
"She did not answer to that or know(?) why he did not"
* I ask her if she wants to say something to her daughter Natasha because I told her I have a website and I can post her message/s on my site so her daughter can read it. Then I see her with her hand sending a lot of kisses to her daughter then saying:
"...I love you so much and can't wait to see you again!".
"I then told her I will put her message/s on my site so her daughter can read it. She answers with"...Thank you Patrick!".
"After that I started explaining spiritual things to her about where she was and so forth and talk about other things. Then I would hear her say now and then"...Thank you Patrick!"......" Thank you Patrick!" She kept thanking me over and over as I kept explaining things to her."
"If anybody have a question/s for Mrs Wood feel free to send them to me and the answers will be posted on the site."
Patrick Zakhm