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Making spiritual contacts with the souls of the lost crew of the OceanGate submersible - 2023 - Lost near St John - Newfoundland - Canada
** "The OceanGate Titan submersible went missing with it's crew of 5 crew onboard on June 18 2023. Their mission was to reach the wreck of the Titanic. But unfortunatly something happened on their way they and they all ended up dead near the Titanic. Debris of the submersible were recovered by an ROV few days later on June 22 2023. And an implosion is presumed to have occured.''
''I decided to intervene and make contacts with the souls of the crew in hope of shedding some light into what really happened down there? To tune in to souls(any soul) I needed pictures of the deceased and their names.''
''I started with the soul of OceanGate founder Mr. Stockton Rush. It only took few minutes of calls for him to come forth into my spiritual window. He was barely visible. I introduced myself to him and told him who I was and what I do."
"Then I asked him what happened? And the first thing he said was:"
"I could barely hear him, so I asked him to speak up please and that I can also see images too if he has some to project to me from his memory. Few minutes later I'm being shown a clear and in color a sideway view of a thick circular steel part/rim of the entrance hatch of the sub. This piece(on the tube side and not the dome one) had many screw holes in it that is connects the front dome part of the sub to the back part of the body of the sub. This either mean the problem was here, that maybe too many holes weakened the integrity of the structure of this rim or that the problem that caused their death came from this area. Then i was shown water dripping(in small quantity) inside the sub coming from above.''
"So if sea water was seping in, salty sea water is a very good electric conductor, it would short circuit the whole submarine's electronic equipments and render everything useless and probably loose total power in the sub too.''

''I then asked Mr. Rush:''
"....In case you loose electricity inside the sub, don't you have some kinda of an emergency mechanical flotation device like a balloon or something that you can inflates or activate from inside and it will float you to the surface?".
''Mr. Rush answer with:''
".....We have but it wasn't working" he answers
''I then thanked him for coming to talk to me and stopped my questions for now".
''I moved in next to the second sub crew Mr. Hamish Harding. I started calling his name. He came forth right away and stood in my spiritual window. Not clearly visible but you can tell its him and its his vibration his signature. I introduced myself to him and so forth. Then I hear''Hello Patrick''. I asked him if he remembers what happened in that submersible? And all I got is an image with only few colors in it of something getting crushed and pressure from that. I was not shown what was being crushed but just the crushing moment of something in a short video made up of just few frames."
"This is all that came from him. I did not feel he's at ease in talking right now about what happened. I decided to stop my questioning and told him he can come talk to me any time he wants. I have a website too if he wants to say something to his family, loved ones, friends and I will post his messages. I then explained few things to him about what is going on and where he was and so forth then I stopped."
''I continued next with the French Gentlman Mr. Paul Henry Nargeolet . He came also right away in my spiritual window. He was clearly visible from the waist up and he was wearing a light blue shirt. He just looked at me without saying anything. I asked him questions in French and English but got nothing. Then I was shown in pure color and clarity of someone(could be him or where he was sitting) in a submersible near a thick concave window and looking down to the sea floor. This is what he only showed me, I don't understad it's meaning yet. After that I told him if he is not comfortable in talking right now we can do that another time. He stayed clearly visible for close to two hours just standing in my window looking at me then he was gone. Some souls needs time before they start talking or answer questions and others talk right away without even asking them anything, every soul is different. So I decided to leave him for now and come back again another time."
''Next in my window came Mr. Shazada Dawood. I could see only the top right side curles of his hair but that is all. The rest is dark and foggy. He stood there a bit without saying anything then left."
''After Mr. Shazada came his son Mr. Suleman, who was and died in the sub also. He was different and very visible from the shoulders up. Hi face was clear which means he was comfortable talking to me. I asked him if he saw his father? He turned and looked sideways to his left to point to me where his father was located. He did that few times then stopped then returned to looking at me. I started asking him what happened in the mini sub? But got no reaction from him. I then started explaining things to him of where he was and that this is a temporary condition and he will join his family later on and so on. With almost all souls I come across I go into a temporary teacher mode on the after life so souls can understand what is going on and where they are. When I finished Mr. Suleman was all happy and smilling. I left him in that state and I told him I will come again another time to talk to him."
"If you have a question/s for anyone one of the crew's soul feel free to send them to me and the answers will be posted on the site."
Patrick Zakhm