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Spiritual contact with the soul of miss Elisabeth Salgado Laguna - Found murdered - 2015 - Provo Utah - USA
** "I came across her sad story in an unsolved murder cases documantery and I decided to intervene. She's a mexican who disappeared when she was studying in the states. Everyone was looking for her, her siblings, her mother and her uncles were all trying to find her to no avail. She was found dead later on by a gentelman walking his dog in the woods. I took notes of her case and pictures so I can tune spiritually later to her soul and try to make contact with her to see what she could tell me."
"Later on that night I decided to call her soul. After many calls she came through and my spiritual window opened above me and there she was. She was not fully visible spiritually to me but it was enough for me to know from her vibration that it was her. Souls usually are not clear when they approach me at first because Im a stranger."
"She was just davestated, crying and crying. I introduced myself to her and told her what I do. Then I asked her what happened to you?? Who hurt you who did this to you?? And all I got from her was "...My uncles!" she was in a utter state of disbelief and disappointment as if she could not understand how could members of her own family do this to her?."

"Another sad and strange twist to this story, In 2021 Elizabeth's aunt Miriam went missing too then in 2023 her remains were found 3 hours away from where Elizabeth's remain were found."
"If you have a question/s for the soul of miss Salgado feel free to send them to me and her answers will be posted on the site."
Patrick Zakhm