Berry Pomeroy Castle, Totnes, Devon, England, UK-Second visit-
-The 1st visit can be reached by clicking here-
"Built as a fortified castle(hence the thick walls)in the 1500 for the Pomeroy family then later on was sold to the Duke of Summerset. Now the castle lay in ruins and has been so for hundreds of years. Berry Pomeroy Castle is said to be THE most haunted castle in Britain. I day earlier i came to visit the castle(the link above gets you to the first visit page)but i arrived late and it was locked, i stayed near it for a few hours and took some shots then left. Today i was back again to the castle and here's what i heard and learned from this visit."
"I explored it and picked up several areas in there with a lot of ghost vibes. No contact spiritually with any ghosts was made in there again. I then started asking questions those who work there and there seems to be a lot of ghost experiences and stories connected to this place. One was to a visitor of the castle, i was told that in one of the rooms in there as this gentleman was going through a door entrance he was all of a sudden shoved aggressively in there with a lot of force that made him loose his balance and fall on his stomach. As he stood up trying to understand what just happened a heavy hammer falls and land right in front of him. He looked around there was nobody there but himself. He freaked out after realizing that if he hadn't stood up in time the hammer would have landed right on top of him. Then he noticed that he has no more money, the money that was in his pockets was gone. Almost badly hurt then robbed by a ghost?"
"Another interesting story is of a visitor in the the castle deciding to take a souvenir, a stone from one of the walls in there was his choice. Doing so was apparently not a good idea because when this person arrived home and put the stone away in his desk he started seeing a small see through figure of a blonde little girl with a stick in her hand. And with that stick this ghost would point at the stone. It was always the same thing she would appear with a stick and points at the stone. So this person could not take it anymore, he then packed the stone then shipped it back to the castle with a letter telling his story."
"One of the tower's basement is said to be haunted by the white lady, the ghost of lady Margaret Pomeroy who is said to have been imprisoned there by her jealous sister, lady Eleanor. Many witnesses reported seeing her or feeling her presence. Another ghost that has been spotted by many people is that of the blue lady. Thought to have been a member of the Pomeroy family. It is said that she had a child with her own father and then later strangled it. Some visitors reported hearing baby's cries and others have heard doors slamming when there's no nobody there and there's no doors around. Someone told me that one time one of the visitors have showed them a picture taken in front of the castle and in it there was this black shadowy figure that was not present when that picture was snapped. A family took a helicopter trip over the area where the castle sits and saw that the castle looked normal, had turrets and roofs and smoke was rising from it's chimneys. It was as if they went back momentarily in time and got a glimpse of the castle when it was all built and occupied."
"There was also a lot of other stories from visitors reporting problems with their film as well as digital cameras and camcorders. Some people have taken shots from inside the castle and discovered later to their surprise that these particular shots turned out completely black or blank and others would be normal. others reports are of memory cards getting wiped out clean and batteries getting completely drained all of a sudden."
Patrick Zakhm
To get a better feel of the ghost vibes that fills this place copy/paste the shots found on this page to a folder on your desktop then play them in full screen mode
The clip below was taken in front of the main facade of the castle after crossing the main metal gate
The above video clip can be downloaded/saved by clicking here