Archangel Gabriel's visit from the clouds, Lebanon

"The clouds picture above is only to give you an idea. The clouds that he came from where pure white and there was no darkness anywhere"
"His first visit(of 4) occurred in Lebanon. He came to me after that 3 more times and It's on the 3rd time that he made me understand that he was Archangel Gabriel".
"This occurred during an email conversation with a good friend of mine from the States. As I was typing my email to him I was very worried about something in my life. And as I was doing that my spiritual window opens in front above me and I see pure thick white clouds. And from these clouds a young man started walking out of them toward me. The perception was very clear and vivid. He looked at me then smiled. Then I hear from him as a thought something like "It's OK. It's gonna be OK," or "It' s OK, you gonna be OK!" This being from the clouds had white skin and a round face. He was, I would say, in his late twenties or early thirties. He had a reddish-blond curly hair. He stayed a bit looking at me with a smile on his face then turned towards the clouds and headed back to where he came from. But, as he he was doing that a moment later he stopped turned back and looked at me again for few seconds. Then turned back again towards the clouds and started walking to go in. As he was was doing that, I asked him "Who are you? Do you have a name?". Then I hear one word "Gabriel"."
"I thought at first that it was a message for my friend, the one I was typing my email to and told him what I saw and heard. We thought it may have been somebody that has passed away who knew my friend but the description I gave to him didn't fit anybody he had known. He did some more research, asking his family, but got nothing back that fitted my description."
"Then later on this same spirit came through again and stood sideways in a doorway and looked at me. He did not say anything, he just stood there leaning onto something like a door and looked at me. I was very angry about something at the time. And his appearance maybe was just to reassure me that he is here if I needed help. He stayed for a bit then left. And that`s when I realized that the first visit was actually meant for me and not for my friend."
"Later on one day, I got a strange urge to look up "Archangel Gabriel" on the net(but I found nothing) to see what he looked like if there was any type of physical description of him. The way he approached me and where he came out from was quiet unique. And I`ve never seen a soul coming from the clouds before. More and more thoughts went into trying to figure out who he was and what does "Archangel Gabriel" really looks like? Then all of a sudden my spiritual window opens on it`s own above in front of me and there he is again with a big smile on his face looking at me. He was behind something like a desk and he has leaned forward fully in my direction just to look at me. It was as if he was saying "It`s me!I`m Archangel Gabriel and that`s what I look like".
Patrick Zakhm