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Making spiritual contact with the soul of actress Nathalie Wood - 2020

"I've always been interested in Natalie Wood's murder. Not that I heard of her story then I became interested, no. I became interested because I've been falling on her pictures here and there by accidents for a long time. For example I would go eat in a restaurent like Nickels in downtown Montreal I pick my seat and when I sit down to order my food there's a picture of Nathalie Wood on the wall in front of me. Or, I would go to an International Newspapers store to look for a magazine and there's a Magazine with a picture of Nathalie Wood on it's front page. So, it became really strange and no longer is just a coincidence. Then on May 2020 I was checking my youtube channel then little by little I ended up on a channel talking about Natalie Wood boat"The Splendour".

"As I watched that video clip about her boat and the new owner was showing around the boat for a visitor. He went down inside the boat then came across an area called staterooms that gave me chills. It was what I picked up in past emotional residue that was the cause. I was reading the past Akashic records of this location. On the first bunk bed below(pic2 below) I was reading a glipmse from the past of a disturbing scene, the struggle of a woman trying to breath. I was reading the emotional experience residue energies left behind from the stateroom coming from the first bunkbed below. Below is what I posted on that channel:
"Whatever happens in a closed place leave emotional residues behind and if a person is sensitive enough he can read it just like reading a book in the form of emotions. And as I watched this video I picked up disturbing emotional residue from 5:17 to 5:20 from the bunk bed below. It was of a woman struggling to breath."

"Strange stories were being reported by the last captain/owner of Nathalie Wood boat who says his boat is haunted. He tell that one time he felt all of a sudden the floor disappearing below his feets. This is Akashic records being replayed by the soul who is relieving an event that led to her death. Whether that was Nathalie's Wood's soul reliving how she died or that of another woman's death on that same boat long time before it was bought by the actress, nobody really knows. Another time the same captain had another experience in which he felt someone invisible sitting on his bed right beside him."
"So the captain may have taped by accident into the past reliving how a woman was murdered here. It was being replayed and the captain was experiencing it as his own, of being lifted up in the air from behind by someone. That lifting may have most probably led to a choke hold being applied to the victime that killed her. In other words, the captain where he was standing was reading and reliving the past of an event(being lifted) which led to a murder through choking."
"I then tried to make contact with the soul of Nathalie Wood. At first I got nothing but after several tries my spiritual window above in front of me opened. And in came through Nathalie. Only a bit of her was visible. Her momentarely visible approach was similar to someone living on the second floor of a building with a balcony. And someone from the street call that person out. The person who hear his name being called out approach the window/balcony for a second just to take a peak on who is calling him down below from the street before returning to where he was before the call. So after I called her he approached my spiriyual window just for a short period of time then pulled back. She's still on the first spiritual plane which means she has complete freedom to approach anybody and move around as she wants."

"The above picture is how actress Nathalie Wood looks like right now in the spirit world. Most souls go back to the way they looked like (same hair cut too) when they were the happiest in their life on earth".
"Another time I tried again to make spiritual contact with Nathalie Wood's soul. It took sometimes before I got something. My spiritual window opened but she didnt want to show herself. I was picking up her vibrational presance standing in the window. I was also picking up her emotional vibration too. She was neutral and didn't want to talk she didn't seem to be a person who likes to talk much. I started talking to her in thoughts introducing myself to her and explaining things and my experiences with souls who have crossed over. I then started talking about the passing of my mom about many things and explained to her things of spiritual nature for about half an hour."
"Nathalie wood stayed standing in my spiritual window listening to my stories but still invisible(she wasn't comfortable showing herself which what souls usually do at first) to me psychically but I kept feeling her vibration her presance. She was still in the first spiritual plane after her death, she has not gone anwhere or to any higher plane since her tragic death. I then decided to go on the internet opening the pages from wikipedia about her life, family members, her daughter Natasha which made her excited and happy because she was seeing too what I was seeing. Then I moved on to actor Christpher Walken and reading to Nathalie what these pages were saying about him, she didn't say anything or react in anyway. Then I came across Actor Robert wagner's page, who was her husband until her passing. I started reading a bit for her what's on his page then I opened his picture that filled my screen. Then I said this is your husband Robert wagner. Then I mentioned her daughter Natasha then all of a sudden I picked up Nathalie Wood getting worried and afraid that Robert Wagner would hurt her daughter. Then I replied in thoughts in a reflex to her saying"Not to worry, Robert loves Natasha I dont think he would hurt her". Then Nathalie answers right away in thoughts saying''yeah, but he loved me too and look what............''. Then boom! she was gone, left abruptly without even finishing her sentance. And I no longer feel her presance in my spiritual window. About an hour later she came back again and stood up there in my window quiet, didn't say a word. She stayed a bit some more then left".
Patrick Zakhm