Benedictine monastery ghost investigation, Ambositra, Madagascar
"It was by accident that we came across this monastery. We came to visit a cemetery and it was when we finished our visit that i noticed this building giving off incredible ghost vibes. So i asked the guide with me what it is and if we can visit it. We knocked on a huge metal door and waited. Then the door opened and we were led in by a nun. We did not mention anything about the ghost vibes to the nun nor the reason why we are here. Because from what i have heard ghosts in the eyes of the Malagasy people are very scary and nasty spirits. So, we went and asked if we can visit the whole complex. The nun said we cannot without a permission. My guide and my friend started talking in Malagasy with the nun as we walked around outside with her. I noticed intense ghost vibes coming from a spot on the top floor and told my friends that i want to visit that area up there. More talks went on with the nun. On the first floor to the left there was a small room giving off also intense ghost vibes, it was locked, the nun opened it for us to take a peak then locked it back again. It was some kind of a souvenir shop something like that. It had become very dark outside as was the case everywhere even inside the monastery. I took some shots inside that long room and tried to see if i can see anything but got nothing. We were not suppose to go into that room but the nun was nice enough to show it to us momentarily, so our visit was pretty quick. As we got out of that room another nun came out from the monastery and seemed to have more authority then the first nun. She spoke a bit of French so i asked her if we can visit that room up there. She replied we can't with a smile but her answer leaned more toward a maybe."
"My guide and friend stepped in then started talking to her in Malagasy. Then few minutes later we got permission and we were shown inside and taken up to that room. The time was around 6:30 pm but was getting dark outside as we headed toward the stairs that led us to the top room of my choice. As we were heading there We were told that this room is the guests room. It was locked first then they opened it up for us. The moment we got inside i felt the presence of a male filling the whole room for a second or two then bang he was gone. Then the room became neutral but still has a lot of signature ghost vibes. It was a tiny room with one bed/chair/closet/washbasin and a table. We only took a look inside they we left. As we were going down i asked my friends to ask the nuns if we can come back a bit later on tonight. We got a no at first but then for a small donation we were allowed to come back later. We left then came back again around two hours later and it got way too dark outside because street lights are none existent in Ambositra. It was absolutely pitch black outside and you are just stunned by people walking on the streets as if it was daylight. I saw the same things elsewhere also when we crossed from Antananarivo to Mahajunga about 11 hour drive. We came across small towns with no lights whatsoever outside and very very dark yet you see through the headlights people walking on the streets on the asphalt of the street and some are even bicycling too with no lights and problem at all. Some dark towns were even covered by a fog and that didn't seem to bother anybody walking down the street."
"We returned to the monastery about two hours later and we were welcomed by the same nuns. I only went inside with a friend. The guide was too scared of going in with us so he dropped us up on the the main entrance metal door then he took off promising to come back later on to pick us up when we call him. The nuns lead us to the room then told us that after 9-10pm there will be nobody awake to lead us out if we decide to leave. We would have stayed the night to explore this place but the creaking wooden floors were not on our side. You could not walk anywhere without making this irritating sound that echoed throughout the whole building and everyone would hear you and no one would be able to sleep. Added to that was the extreme quietness in there ounce everyone is asleep, so no way you can feel comfortable walking anywhere. The wooden floor was simply gonna be a pain. Decision was taken to stay an hour then leave. The nuns then left us."
We closed the door and i lit a candle and put it on the small table in there. My Sony camcorder was on in infra red mode pointed toward the area where the candle was. Then we started asking questions in french then translated and repeated in Malagasy by my Malagasy friend. We would stop a bit then repeat the questions. I felt nothing and nothing for a while. But then after around 35 to 40 minutes i started seeing somebody spiritually. He was dressed all in black with a white line collar only visible if you look down toward it from above. He was a male medium height his feet were not visible so i can't be sure of how high he stood. He was i would say middle aged and this is what the feeling that was coming from him told me. I could not see his head because there was none. Instead there was pure white light instead of a head. I've never seen a ghost like that before and had no idea what it meant. He stayed visible spiritually in this fashion to me for like 5 to 10 minutes. And we continued asking the same questions in both languages. But got no reply. Then a head and face started to take form but even after that i still can't remember his face, only from what i saw that he had a Malagasy facial characteristics. I kept seeing him for several more minutes then he started to move back and faded away."
Patrick Zakhm

This is the cemetery that was visited first. Those that are buried here seems to all have been French Citizens. Blue-white-red stripes on top of all the crosses, colors of the French flag

Below is the shop with alot of ghost vibes mentioned above

Below are 3 shots in a row with 3 flashes in about 1 second(burst mode)taken of a moving orb inside the haunted room. The orb was only caught on the second and third shot

Below is the haunted room shown in three shots

Below in Infra Red mode a moving orb was caught going through the flame of that lit candle on the table then coming out of it.
Download a better quality video of the above clip here(in avi about 18 mgs)
Below is the same moving orb going into the flame we saw above but here we zoomed in at it and slowed down the video clip to see it better. It goes in at 0:01 then comes out at 0:02.
Download a better quality video of the above clip here(in avi about 21 mgs)
Below are snapshots taken from the above video of the zoomed in orb to show the trajectory of the moving orb as it go through the flame then come out on the other side. Please follow the yellow arrows.

Another moving orb caught in Infra Red mode below going from right to left at high speed
Download a better quality video of the above clip here((in avi about 7 mgs)
Below is another moving orb caught in IR mode coming from above then heading down
Download a better quality video of the above clip here((in avi about 14 mgs)
Below is a shot of the hallway when you exist the room then below it is a shot of the exit door that takes you down to lower floors