Haunted Chieftain Hotel, Squamish, British Colombia, Canada
"It got pretty dark in Britannia Beach and started to become somewhat dangerous for me all alone in there so i called on a cab then he came and picked up heading to Squamish(a small town around 10-15 minutes away)to book a night in a hotel. It didn't take long before we found one. When i got inside the hotel my attention was only on getting a room to get some sleep and didn't think of anything else. But, when i picked up my keys and took the stairs to get to my room i was surprised by the intensity of the heat that was only present at the beginning of the stairs. It was like stepping into an oven literally. As i passed this area and continued climbing the stairs this incredible stationary heat that i passed through was no longer felt. I didn't think much of it thinking someone must have turned the heater on. I arrived to my room opened the door then got inside and again this incredible heat was there. The whole room was boiling. I had to take off some of my cloth then i headed to the windows and opened them up. I left them wide open even though it was quiet cold outside. But still this intense heat was still there. I started checking the heaters the walls the ceiling everything around. But nothing was hot or warm. Everything was ice cold. There was some ghost vibes but not enough to make me wanna investigate it. Then it's like everything since i stepped into this hotel got replayed in a second in my mind and all made sens. I went through a ghost down there but since i was tired and had only one thing on my mind to sleep i missed picking it up. I pulled my camera and started snapping burst pictures, i no longer wanna sleep. I then tried making contact but didn't get anything right away. It's a bit later that i saw spiritually a lady standing and i could only see part of her torso and middle to top part of her black skirt. She was dressed in black and was wearing a somewhat silky skirt which had a long edgy wavy pattern to it. Quiet elegant. I kept seeing that for a bit then the perception stopped. The ghost was still there but no longer visible. I then plugged my equipment to get them recharged then took a nap. Around 2 hours later i woke up and noticed that there was no longer this heat. The room temperature was back to normal again just like it is in the hallway."
Patrick Zakhm

"The shots below show the location of the extreme standing localized heat(on the right on the beginning of the stairs)that i went through on my way up the stairs to my room. I came back and took many shots and here are some burst mode shots taken which show a moving orb. Three shots in about 1.5 seconds with three flashes, each flash for each shot. You can follow it's trajectory by following the yellow arrow. It was coming forth from the front of the desk toward the stairs then headed to the left then went to the right in the third shot. This orb is not a proof of the ghost. I'm only showing you what i caught later on in burst mode with flash close to the location where i felt the standing intense heat."

This is in the hallway outside my room."

"This is my room below"

"Below are three shots in burst mode with 3 flashes of a moving orb. Follow the yellow arrow to see it's trajectory"

"Below is a moving orb caught in burst mode 3 shots in a row with 3 flashes in about 1.5 seconds. Follow the yellow arrow to see it's trajectory."