Loch Ness'lake', North of Scotland, UK
Lochness lake is located in the Highlands of Northern Scotland. This is where many people witnessed a lake monster(known as Nessie). One of these witnesses was Saint Columba who supposedly saved a swimmer around 560 AD from this monster with the sign of the cross and a curse "Thou shalt go no further, nor touch the man, go back with all speed". And it is said that the creature was terrified by that then fled. Saint Columba was known in those times to have performed all kind of miracles, from healing the sick to expelling bad spirits to calming down storms. Other witnesses of the loch monster followed over the years.
It's during a visit to the north of Britain that Mr Zakhm came across the Loch and took some shots and brought few stones with him from the lake itself as well. Two videos were also taken of the loch, although nothing seems to have been caught on them and these clips are of low quality because no proper cameras were at hand. They do give you though an idea of how big this body of water is and the possibilities of it hiding something like this animal. The Loch is said to be around 37 kilometers(23 miles)long with a depth of about 230 meters(755 feet).
Here's a couple of sites with more info on Nessie for those who are interested:
Road level video clip below
The above video clip can be downloaded/saved by clicking here
Lake level video clip below
The above video clip can be downloaded/saved by clicking here

The following shots and panning shots from left to right or right to left below were taken from above road street level

The following shots and panning shots from left to right or right to left below were taken from below lake level

Below are some stones from the Loch