Haunted Munich city hall, Munich, Germany

"This is Munich city hall called also The New Town Hall. Built around a hundred years ago i was told. I was attracted to it because of it's ghost vibes and thought of checking it out. The basement is a restaurant called "Ratskeller" it's in the back and it's open to the general public. As i went in and started taking pictures of the back i came across an area where i stood for a few minutes trying to make contact with whoever was there because the ghost vibes there were quiet strong. It did not take long before i saw one of the ghosts. I didn't think it belong to that building but to the buildings that where there before, before that huge building was built and became the city hall. The ghost that i saw in extremely clear view was of a young girl passing in front of me but heading away. She was blond and had a flashy silky dark blue colored cape(please see pic at the bottom)it looked a bit like a dress cap around 2 feet wide. On her head there was some kind of a crown of flowers. She was walking in a jolly kiddy manner. This spiritual perception only lasted for a few seconds then it was gone. It was as if she only passed in front of me heading somewhere else. And i only got a glimpse of her of her right side but mostly of her back covered by this dark blue shiny silk cape/cloak thing. I could not see how tall she was because i didn't see the feet."

"I wanted to go inside the city hall but apparently one cannot do that without a proper permit but then luck fell on me and i came across a nice German lady who work there and managed to get me inside. In one areas orbs where going crazy, the burst mode flashes from my camera was lighting them up and showing me their movements and trajectories, it was very strange and so is their forms, never seen such activities of orbs in one area before, please check the pics below."

Patrick Zakhm









"The three shots below were taken in burst mode, 3 shots with 3 flashes in about a second or so. What is interesting about these 2 orbs is that both are moving but each is at a different speed from one another. I don't think I've seen that before anywhere. Orbs that are mobile and moving at different speeds. See how the bottom one is quiet slow compared to the one above it?"









"A lit moving orb in the 2 shots below taken one after another but not in burst mode. Follow the yellow arrow to see it's trajectory which is heading up to the left".





"It's here below that i made contact and saw the ghost of the girl with the blue silk cap".



"The girl had a dress cap something like this flashy blueish silk below but was much darker."
