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The Unexplained Death Of British Actor Julian Sands - California - USA
"How I work have been described many time here on my website. Here it is again for those who don't know. There's a particular time and a state that I have to be in in order to start working and calling souls. I will need first a picture of the deceased and his name. And If someone wants to communicate with the soul of the deceased person things will get easier for me specially if that person was dear to the deceased. With the picture in hand and the name I start calling the soul of that person. The picture is used to tune myself spiritually to that particular soul and that's how I become visible to it. The more information available about this soul coming from the person who was dear the more I can use that in my calls and the more visible spiritually I become to the other side. And when this soul hears me and want to approach me a spiritual window above and in front of me opens up on it's own. And the soul comes and stand in it and that's how I will see it and communicate with it. I cannot open this window at will and from my side. Only souls that are on the other side can open it."
**"This was a great actor indeed, I remember watching his movies while growing up. I was saddened by his death. I then decided to call the soul of Mr. Sands to maybe understand what has happened to him exactly. I found a picture of him then I started calling his soul. It only took few tries before my spiritual window above and in front of me opened and there he was. He was not fully visible(because im a stranger and he is not fully comfortable with me yet) Only part of his head and shoulders were visible and a bit of his face and these were all not clear. The rest was foggy. I introduced myself to him and told him what I do and that Im a big fan. He made a small head bow gesture toward me as a"Nice to meet you"thing. I started asking him questions, what happened to you? Did someone hurt you? No reply, he only looked at me without giving any answer. I asked him if he fell? No reply. Maybe something happened that was too quick to realise. It could be that he made a wrong move and lost his balance and took a nasty fall. I asked him if he hit his head? he did not react, did not nod either or do anything, he either just doesnt know(or don't wanna to tell me for some reason). The fall may have been too sudden for him to realise what has happened."
"I then asked him if he wants to say anything to his family, loved ones, friends..etc? Because I told him I have a website and I can post whatever he likes to say on my website so people can read it. Then I hear him say"...I send all my love". Then I see him sending kisses to everyone with his left hand. He would just put his left hand on his lips then send kisses."**
"If there are more questions to ask the soul or Mr. Sands I'll be happy to ask him when I can. If you have a question/s for his soul please send them to me and the answers will be posted on the site."
Patrick Zakhm