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The Unsolved murder of Jonathan Reader - Halifax - Nova Scotia - Canada
**"Now, regarding the murders of Mr. Jonathan Reader. I've been working on this case and other cases for some time now. With Mr. Jonathan Reader, It took me few calling tries before he came through. The first time I could see him but I did not get much from him. The second try he was a bit more visible and so I asked him "what happened to you?"and he showed me right away himself with his arms stretched up open pushing or trying to push off of him a large older black male. The very dark skin black man is much taller then Mr Reader. He is in his late twenties probably 28-29 years old. He's wearing a dark blue T-shirt with a white line on it's rim. He has short hair(about an inch long)and a long squarish head. Mr. Reader is wearing a long sleeve shirt what looked like green in color to me but Im not 100% sure because I can only see part of Mr Reader shoulders/arms, from his shoulders and up. I was only shown this fight frozen scene and kept seeing it spiritually in my spiritual window for several hours then it faded away. The more spiritual contacts are made with a soul the more a soul becomes comfortable with me and the more I will see the soul. Usually When souls come in my spiritual window they show part of themselves. And dedending on what I see I will know how comfortable a soul is in communicating with me. And from that I decide what questions to ask."**
"I will be calling the soul of Mr. reacher again when I can. More questions needs answers to see what really happened to him. If you have a question/s for his soul please send them to me and the answers will be posted on the site."
Patrick Zakhm