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The Unsolved murder of Judy Geraldine Parks - Nova Scotia - Canada

**"Now with the soul of miss Parks it took me about an hour before she came through. But the location where I was was a bit too noisy. I asked her who did this to her? She answered with an name but I could not hear what she said exactly but I felt it was a male much older then her. This is the feeling she was projecting toward me. She stayed visible in my spiritual window just standing there looking at me for about half an hour. I told her that I can't hear her that she needs to speak up. But then she did something strange. She turns around and now I can see she was wearing a red outfit(it could be a one piece outfit with a skirt) light red colored from the waist up. I could not see her full dress. Something was weird though, the way she turned around to show me her back side. She wanted me to see her shoulders, the tips of her dress were missing. On the right and left shoulders, the corners tips of her dress were missing and I could see her skin. What does that means? I could not understand.. This is the first time a soul act in this fashion.**

"I will be calling the soul of miss Parks again when I can. More questions needs answers to see what really happened to her. If you have a question/s for her please send them to me and the answers will be posted on my site."

Patrick Zakhm