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The Unexplained Death of Miss Mariana Pearl Boelter - Indiana - USA
**"I saw miss Mariane's case on TV in a documentary about unsolved murder cases and decided to help. I then started calling her soul and she came right away in my spiritual window. She's not clearly visible but I know its her. I introduced myself to her. Then she says"Hi Patrick" with a low voice tone. I asked her what happened to you? She did not answer right away. It took many tries before she said something and when she answered she said "I was strangled by my ex bf". Which boyfriend strangled you (I asked) Toby Dem or DJ? She answers with"... It was DJ". I asked her Why did he do that?She replied with "....Out of jealousy". Then I told her that her ex bf was killed, he was stabbed to death."
"I asked her if she have seen him up there where she was?She answers with a"...No". I said I dont think you'll be able to see him because those who commit despicable acts here in the physical world(like killing someone) are taken after death by force to suffer the consequences of their acts. Then I hear her say"... I hope so".
"Then I started explaining things to her and where she was and that her state is a temporary thing, that she wont stay there for long. And that she will be joined later on by her parents, family members and friends when their time comes. Then she replies with" ....My mom is here!" while turning to her right(she was facing me then turned to her right) and raised her right hand and pointed to the right then said"....You want to meet her?". I said, no, it's ok. I was surprised(and happy for her because she is no longer alone) that her mom is already up there."**
"I then decided to do some checking and it turned out that yes her mom "Tressie Palmer" have passed away on March 24 2021, she was 46 years old."
"I will be calling the soul of miss Boelter again when I can. If you have a question/s for her please send them to me and the answers will be posted on my site."
Patrick Zakhm