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The Unsolved Murder Of Miss Rachelle Childs - South Australia - Australia
**"At first I could not make contact with her soul no matter how many times I tried. But then my spirit guides intervened and they started showing me images symbolic and methaphoric in nature, that's how they communicate, this is their language. I was shown a short dark silhouete of the right side profile of a young woman talking and talking very quietly she is murmuring and she is not alone. She seemed to be all this was her idea. She is white and short, I can see her from the waist up, she's about 5 feet 4 inches tall. looks about the age of the victim or younger. She has a prominant nose. Dark color hair but not black, like dark brown or dark red head. Her short hair is tied in a pony tail. This means she has a prominante part in her(the big nose) face bigger then the rest parts of her face. The dark red or brown means her hair color is not common and is strange and different."
"As I kept my concentration on trying to understand what that profile means I then was shown a vivid clear face of a young white woman looking straight in my direction. She has an elongated face with prominante front teeth. She is wearing glasses. Her hair is short curly mostly white color and with a bit of black. Her vibration are very cold like the vibration of a cold killer with zero remorse. She is in her mid twenties 25 or 27 years old. I kept being shown this face for some times then I stopped seeing it. Now, that tells me I was shown the answer in symbols to my question" What does this profile means?". Again, all these details about the face and the looks needs to be looked at symbolically and methaphorically to understand the message/s. Here are below what I was shown coming from my spirit guides. The hair is thinner though and the glasses are a bit off. The portrait drawing program I was using was a bit limited so I could not find the facial characteristics I wanted."

"Later on I managed to make contact with the soul of Miss Rachelle Childs after so so many tries. And when she came through I could not see her she was covered in pure sadness and desper she was also crying. This sadness appeared as dark brown cloud covering her up completely. I could not see her face but I knew it was her. It was around 4 am when I made contact with Miss Rachelle's soul. I started talking to her telling her(in thoughts)who I was and what I do. Then I started telling her stories and it took about 2 hours before she came out of that cloud. She was stuck in this ambiance of sadness and so I decided to cheer her up by talking to her and telling her stories to get her mind out of what she was stuck in. I then decided to ask her a question regarding the person behind what happened to her her based on the symbolic images I was shown.I showed her an image from my mind an image of the second female I drew a portrait of here and asked Miss Rachelle's soul if the woman who hurt her looked something like this? Miss rachelle's soul nodded"yes". I asked her again the same question and got the same reply, she nodded "yes" again."
"Then I continued telling her stories just to get her more and more out of the state of sadness she was in. It was about 2 hours later that I saw Miss Childs soul and she was happy and smiling. I decided to take a break and go to bed."**
"I will be calling the soul of miss Childs again when I can. More questions needs answers to see what really happened to her. If you have a question/s for her please send them to me and(if possible) the answers will be posted on my site."
Patrick Zakhm