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The Unsolved Murder Of Jimmy Hoffa - Detroit - USA

**"I held a picture of Mr. Jimmy Hoffa then I started calling his name, his soul. After several calls Mr. Hoffa's soul came through in my spiritual window. He was not fully visible but just his figure his silhouette standing in the shadows. I introduced myself to him and explained what I do. Then I started my questions. The first was what happened to you? He replied right away with an attitude and said something at first but I could not understand"....I'm gabich(or cabich?)..I'm finished..I'm done with!"He said this with an angry tone. I asked him another question. It took time for him to reply then he said".....What do you wanna know? I asked him how did you die? He answers with"...I was hit on the head".**

"I will be calling the soul of mr. Hoffa again when I can. More questions are needed to understand what really happened to him. If you have a question/s for his soul then please send them to me and the answers(if possible) will be posted on my site."

Patrick Zakhm