A Shaman protective Jinn - Against black magic

"This goes back and began many years ago, after visiting a family member(we'll call this member "T") that I have not seen for years. T was very old now and have dementia. The moment I saw T I felt the presance of three pure dark entities around T and I could hear them, they were giving out a hissing sound like snakes do. Someone have put black magic on T it seems and I was not surprised, because when T was in good health would go to Africa and seek black magic practitioners to put black magic on other people and members of T's own family. And if T had the heart to do things to hurt her skin and blood her family then T must have also managed to put black magic on family members too one can only imagine how much torments and suffuring T must have given to people out of jealousy because T is and was always a very jealous person."


"These dark entities circuling around T I felt them were the cause behind T's physical difficulties/problem, they were affecting the motor skills areas in T's body. T could no longer able to eat, walk, wash etc without someone's help."

"T did not know that when someone put black magic on people out of jealousy, ignorance or stupidity, the side effects of black magic will come and hit them back with a 10x force. Putting black magic on people is against nature and the spiritual laws of the universe and no one escapes the consequences of such evil acts no matter who they are or how rich they are and there's no place they can go and hide under and nothing can protect what is coming for them afterward. The laws of karma will follow them no matter where they are and make them pay a hefty fee. In the physical life they will pay but the biggest payment in suffuring comes after the physical death experience, when they enter the spirit worlds. And no one will or can help them, they will experience the suffurings they inflicted on people from the black magic they have put on them."

"Now, after seeing T with what was circuling around I decided to sit down beside T and see If I can do something to help push these dark entities away because I felt few degrees of pity for that person's condition. I don't know if my presence helped after but it seems that one of these dark entities followed me after and stuck on me. I could feel it and feel it's intentions but those have little effect on me simply because of the fact that I can feel it and know what this thing is up do."

"I was able to push it away for a while but it came back later on. Then during a trip to an island in the Indien Ocean I heard of a honest popular shaman there who can remove black magic off of people and heal them from many ailments because he was also a natural medicin doctor. And so I thought maybe he can remove what was stuck on me. He lives very far from the cities and a trip of around 7h is needed to reach him. Arriving there, I talk to him a bit and right away he tuned to me and said"You have black magic on you!" He waited a bit then added"Very strong black magic was put on you!". Then said"It's a woman who did that". He then asked for my date of birth and started doing calculations using very old books he have. He then said"The woman is a member of your family". I asked him which side of the family she's from? He pointed out which. I was shocked a bit and I knew right away who he's talking about. I have thought of that before and knew that there s a possibility black magic was also put on me too but I was not sure who could have done such an evil act. The shaman gave additional info about that person then said he can help."

"He then started preparing a remedy, mixing powder from different sacred plants and roots, he then began doing prayers on me then lighting up ensence and doing more prayers. Then told me how to use his remedy and what time and date to do that based on the moon position, planets and stars. The treatment was for one session and it's made of different parts that one need to follow through. The day arrived for the treatment, as I began the first part I started hearing screams just pure loud screams of agony, coming from around me. I was surprised by the intensity of these screams but this told me that what ever is stuck on me was being hurt, the screams continued and you can feel the presance of that entity was getting weaker as if it was getting drained."


"I finished the first part then I followed through with the second part. And again I could feel the entity is being hurt by part two but there was no screams this time. I followed through until I finished. Now I barely feel it's dark presance, it felt very weak. I was happy that the shaman's remedy had effect and worked on me but the battle was not over yet. As I was thinking with what I experienced, a spiritual window that usually opens above in front of me opened but it was not as high above as usual. And in it I see a man in a yellowish dark surroundings coming through in my direction. He's in his twenties dressed in very poor beige cloth, with tears all over on his dirty t-shirt and shorts. He had dark skin and looked like an Africain guy to me but have a very vicious look, he was staring at me in a way that he wish to hurt me, a "tear me apart" look, if he can in any possible way hurt me he would, but he could not. He did not say anything, just staring and kept on staring with evil intentions of hurting me but that was not possible to do so. I did not know who this being is or why he was staring at me like that?"

"I decided to throw some pure white light at him and as I did that he droped all of a sudden to the ground. He's on the floor now but he continued with that stare to hurt me. He stayed down and could no longer stand up again and I kept seeing him for a while then he faded away."

"The next day I called the shaman and told him what happened. He was surprised I was able to see that, he then right away said "This is the dark entity that is stuck on you. And he took this shape to show you who he was". I undersood right away everything, why the stare and all. Apparently he was weak, weakened by the shaman's remedy, that's why he was unable to do anything against me. The shaman told me that I need to go back to see him again and he will prepare something else, part two, for me that will remove this entity completely."

"He gave me a date to come back but it was difficult to get ahold of him again because he lives very far from any town and he is always on the move, moving around and going to see his customers spread everywhere. But then one day I managed with some friends to get to his house. Arriving there we were greeted by several geese in front of the property. My friends told me geese are very aggressive here, they can hurt you, they can bite you. I said ok"wait here" I stepped over the fenced entrance door and now the geese came over then I started doing some body bents, bending down at particular times suggested by my spirit guides. I would bend down and the geese would bend down too and then lift their head a bit. I was communicating with the geese. After several minutes of doing that, I felt they're not gonna hurt anyone now then I told my friends to come in, its ok. And so they did, no problem at all, the geese stayed neutral looking at me. Then we all continued walking until we reached the shaman."

"He was pleased to see us again, we sat down, I brought him a small gift to thank him for what he did so far and he was very happy with it, he collect what I brought him actually. We started talking then he began pulling different roots and plants from around him then said he will prepare part two of my remedy against the black magic/entity. He started describing and showing me how to prepare it and what each root do and then said he will put a type of entity a Jinn that will keep black magic and their entities away from me and send them back to the sender. As tiny pieces of these roots starts pilling up in front of him, a spiritual window opened floor level in front of me and Im seeing a huge gorilla like being, he looks like a gorilla but he isnt one. He has facial characteristcs of a human being and his eyes are like ours. This thing is covered in dark brown hair, he has a body armour on his chest(that has a shine), this armour is pitch black and have a strange deep waves in it. On his forhead and his waist he is wearing also something similar to the chest armour but not clearly visible to me. And then I hear his roar. This thing would turn to his left and give roars and roars as if to scare away something that was approaching me and keep it at bay."

"I told the shaman what I was shown spiritually, he was very intrigued, when working with jinn to help people he told me he cannot see jinn he can only feel them, feel their forces and energies then tell these different jinns what they need to do before sending thel away. My protective jinn kept roaring, he would always turn to his left and roar, sometimes its a powerfull roar sometimes not so, there was different degrees to his roars intensity."

"Once the protective amulette against all types of black magic was ready he put it in an enclosure and gave it to me to keep it on me. We stayed and talked to the shaman for a bit some more then left. The gorilla like jinn was still visible to me even after we left the shaman and stayed visible for several days after. I was seeing him spiritually and hearing his different types of roars. His aggressive roars sometimes made me think of the kingkong gorilla movie a bit actually, the type of intense roars he shoots out against his enemies. One day he was roaring so much I told him telepathically to"Calm down, it's OK!" He turned and looked at me with his human facial expression on his face calming down, then moments later he turned swiftly back to his left again and the aggressive roars continued."

"His screams were very intense first few days then became calmer and calmer until I can barely hear him and that mean that what was stuck on me have stayed away and have not approached me or tried to approach me after."

"Later on only his breathing occasionally can be heard spiritually and that tells me this jinn is still here keeping an eye on me and still doing his job as a protector."

Patrick Zakhm